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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Sorry to hear that, Jeff. Are you familiar with the dog dewormer cancer treatment?

There was a very long thread on TMB about it with lots of success stories.

My wife’s cousin has metaplastic breast cancer. It’s in remission. MD Anderson put her on Panacur every other day. I told the Dr that asked why I would take a “horse dewormer”/Ivermectin.

@Ofallontiger - I pray she is healed and your family has peace in Him.


Dec 9, 2020
Prayers needed for my niece. What was thought to be either long covid, or a vaccine injury; has taken a downturn path. She was found this week to have stage 4 lung cancer (non-smoker), cancer in the brain, liver, lymph nodes, bone and pleural cavity.

I believe there was another thread on the main forum on alternative methods to cure cancer. My niece was put on Ivermectin and other antibiotics to tackle the long covid diagnosis. She had a chest x-ray in August that was clear.

My niece is very pro pharma as she works for Pfizer. She had her eyes opened up when her Dad, my oldest brother, had major heart issues within 2 weeks of his second vax.

Any information on treatments for cancer would be greatly appreciated. I would be thankful for any prayers for my niece Kelly.

Damn man. Prayers for your neice


Dec 9, 2020
I'm an old and have been saying since day one that Putin was the good guy in Ukraine. He's still a scumbag but is exposing a lot of what the deep staters in the US want hidden. This is why there will never be any true investigations starting tomorrow, 1/3/23, when the GOP takes over. It will be all for show, several of the key players (Fauci, Brennan, Comey, Wray, Garland, et al), will not comply with subpoenas, will not produce all documents, will deny or "not recall" anything, and otherwise give the GOP their middle fingers. Nothing will happen and the GOP will shrug their shoulders saying they'll get to the bottom of it IFFFFFF you just elect us in 2024.
You forgot to add..."grab their crotches" to thr middle finger part.

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