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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020
Not unless he graduated in one year...

Johnson was born on December 15, 1949, in Flat Creek, Missouri.[3] His mother, Nell (née Wilson; 1933–1975), was a beautician. His father, Fredie Wayne Johnson (1930–2017), was a farmer.[4][5] At the time of his birth, Johnson's mother and father were 16 and 19 years old, respectively.[6] Johnson was raised in poverty in Wichita, Kansas, where his parents relocated when he was six years old.[6]

He graduated from Wichita South High School, where he was involved in the high school's theater program. As a senior, he played the lead role of Tony in West Side Story. His biography noted that he had previously appeared in Burnt Cork & Melody and The Hullabaloo. After graduating from high school in 1967, he enrolled at the University of Kansas as a theater major, but dropped out after one year.[6] He subsequently relocated to San Francisco, California, to attend the American Conservatory Theater.[6]
Fast learner.
Jan 8, 2021
A lot of hooters fall. Mainly after they reach 45 years of age.

The women need to expose themselves so we can all judge for ourselves if their boobs are real or enhanced.

I used to frequent hooters a good bit during guys night. Seemed like maybe 5-6 years ago the demographics changed. About 70% of the staff was a POC. Nothing wrong with that but It would be hard to convince me this is why they are going out if it’s like anything in my town


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020

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