Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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"He took bad advice from the wrong people." Advice and people I'd wager 80%+ of the regulars in this thread would have known was bad or wrong when it was first given. We wouldn't accept that excuse from our doctor, lawyer, mechanic, accountant, but for some reason we do with Trump? That alone shows he's unfit for the task at hand, which is ultimately my concern with him.

How else do you describe holding a Ball celebrating sodomites, while saying “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard. With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible.” It's not like the gays rented out Mara Lago and Trump happened to be there, he was the star of the show.

How is that not pandering?

The embrace of homosexuality is very much deep state. Destroying gender roles and the family unit is a necessary piece of the globalists' agenda, one they've spent 50+ years forcing on us. It's so successful now that some colleges and universities have a majority of students claiming to be so. America can't fall if the family is strong. And the family can't be strong if its leaders - including Trump - are behind or accepting of an agenda that does anything other than call homosexuality exactly what it is.

I didn't say Trump was deep state, though from how he operated, he might as well be. Almost as bad, he craves the deep state's acceptance and attention, clearly does not recognize them as the enemy they are, and when the fight was presented, he balked. Period. It's comical how some of you bend over backwards to excuse his deep-state appointments and promotions. Many of you are under his spell because of his tough-talking speeches, but when it came to the gov't shutdown over the wall, Trump folded. That the one-world totalitarian train rolled a little slower along the tracks than it is with Biden is no reason to back Trump.

Trump isn't attacked because he's anti-deep state. Trump is attacked because the globalists know that the more dangerous portion of the pro-America movement - patriotic gun enthusiasts, middle-aged hunters, bikers, ex-military, etc - is pro-Trump. They're attacking him to get to those who support him. Has nothing to do with Trump being the man the DS fears, it's about his followers. If it were just Trump they were concerned about, they'd Seth Rich him and be done with it.
You are literally the smartest-dumb mother fucker on this board

Instead of pointing the finger at the tyrants and the man in the mirror who were in fact taking their freedoms they held you & I responsible for merely seeing through the bullshit & going on with our lives.


That is an excellent clip that gets right at the absurd monetary system

I'd be curious to hear more specifics on who the "United States" is
A quick counterpoint.

Who here know who Anthony Fauci was in 2019? I'm willing to guess it was less than 2-3% of the board, and this is a relatively educated bunch. Of the general population, I'm guessing it was less than .5%

Fauci had to become removed from the shadows. The NAID IS the funding mechanism for Big Pharma. The head of the snake had to be revealed, IMHO, before you can cut it off.

IF DeSantis, and his team in Florida, do enough to shutdown Phizer, Merck, Lilly, Bayer, etc..., then it was all worth it. If that was the game theory that Trump had to play during a time of war, then it would be worth it in the long-run.

This won't just take down Big Pharma. It takes down the corrupt healthcare system that is becoming the second largest debt layer for our citizens, 2nd to mortgages, AND begins to unravel the DARPA network that is incubated in the "Research" community. Guess where most of that research is done? At universities.

During the early part of the pandemic in 2020, I had a call with the Chief Strategy Officer at UCLA. They (the leadership at UCLA) wasn't worried about the health system in the long run, but what they were very worried about was the entire university. It turns out the health system, which does about $15 billion/year in revenue, subsidizes a significant portion of the overall university. The loss of potential margin for the health system, which the government subsidized via COVID reimbursement (not yet finalized during the time of the call) was also the same margin that would be used to keep the university, which was effectively shutdown, afloat. And what does the government utilize the university apparatus to do? Conduct "research."

That is how all of this ties together.
So you believe fauci was given the public spotlight and reigns over the country against his will to ultimately induce the fall of the diabolical poison system people call healthcare?

Or he was tricked into making a name for himself which somehow means q is dismantling big pharma?

Friend of mine said he followed the trial. He is literally one of the most cynical people you could meet and it drives me fucking crazy at times but he said a big argument was they printed 19 inch ballots on 20 inch ballots or whatever yet they didn't bother to even produce one example as evidence. They just kept saying it. Is that true for anyone that followed?
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