Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I’m actually starting to get some faith back. The drips on Twitter are only going to get bigger, and I’m thinking the Fauci files blow this entire thing wide open and we finally start to see the flood of information. Right now I see animals backed into a corner, making every move left in the playbook to try and escape. Hopium? Maybe, but I’m also not one who sees the final Q outcome as this agenda for good like the authors portrayed it to be. While I think the time to celebrate may be short, I will certainly enjoy the unmasking of all these bad actors, many of whom have climbed the highest of high horses to belittle God, the common man, and the human spirit. Selfishly, I just want to see the look of shock on every person that wrote all of this off as lunacy, while never taking the time to actually look for themselves. Talk about a put your feet up and grab the popcorn moment. I Promise, God...I will not gloat. I’ll just sit back...observe, and prepare for what follows.

PS...I got a gut feeling we see something wild on Christmas Eve/Day.
Good post, keep the faith, you’re gonna make me get my Q law abiding T-shirt out and put it on. I think John Cooper needs to give you his, better too long I just hope that we can get some sort of the 95% controlled media to finally have to report on it, that seems to be the big obstacle is getting it out to the people

"It's hell – Enter the building": The Russians trapped and pounded American forces in Bakhmut! (vid)​

US, UK, Polish and assorted Merc's trapped in Bakhmut and Russia has unleashed hell on them.


"It's hell – Enter the building": The Russians trapped and pounded American forces in Bakhmut! (vid)​

US, UK, Polish and assorted Merc's trapped in Bakhmut and Russia has unleashed hell on them.


Just my two cents this feels very scripted. It's a chance for a grifter to build credibility with his audience and keep people peeled and invested in a totally fradulent exercise

What has he said officially about the 2020 deal? Did the dems just discover this technique and limited its use to Arizona?


The trial might be fun and's WWE.

We may not like it, but that's the way it is.

This actually a feature of obviously fradulent serves to martyrize and christen individuals who aren't necessarily deserving. "They stole that election, candidate so and so must be a good guy"

Always be skeptical about the pre Christmas purity and show case trials

Politicians aren't going to solve this
The good news about Mitch and the GOP passing this $1.7 trillion shit bill is it guarantees the US collapse. Total sell out. There is no country anymore. Just elites stealing in the open. The sooner the collapse takes place the better. Currently at 130% debt to GDP and that will go up to 150% by next summer as the recession ravages the economy and government issues more debt. Buy Gold and Silver and take down any American flags you have until the swamp is all publicly hung.
The good news about Mitch and the GOP passing this $1.7 trillion shit bill is it guarantees the US collapse. Total sell out. There is no country anymore. Just elites stealing in the open. The sooner the collapse takes place the better. Currently at 130% debt to GDP and that will go up to 150% by next summer as the recession ravages the economy and government issues more debt. Buy Gold and Silver and take down any American flags you have until the swamp is all publicly hung.
I’m done paying non essential bills i.e. debt other than house and autos and will instead purchase one more gun and stock up on ammo.

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