Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
President Macron already said that it is time for the EU to do their own Defense and quit relying on USA meaning NATO. Biden is destroying NATO and the EU. And that is good.

Asian and other race's denied awards because did not want to hurt the feelings of low achiever's.
Is it not time to criminalize this kind of discrimination. Thousands of Asian kid's denied scholarships and funding, so as not to hurt the feelings of dumb asses.
Fuck Them.
I’m actually starting to get some faith back. The drips on Twitter are only going to get bigger, and I’m thinking the Fauci files blow this entire thing wide open and we finally start to see the flood of information. Right now I see animals backed into a corner, making every move left in the playbook to try and escape. Hopium? Maybe, but I’m also not one who sees the final Q outcome as this agenda for good like the authors portrayed it to be. While I think the time to celebrate may be short, I will certainly enjoy the unmasking of all these bad actors, many of whom have climbed the highest of high horses to belittle God, the common man, and the human spirit. Selfishly, I just want to see the look of shock on every person that wrote all of this off as lunacy, while never taking the time to actually look for themselves. Talk about a put your feet up and grab the popcorn moment. I Promise, God...I will not gloat. I’ll just sit back...observe, and prepare for what follows.

PS...I got a gut feeling we see something wild on Christmas Eve/Day.
Post more!
Yeah, that needs to be outlawed. They need to somehow have an onsite adjudication process, where any issues get fixed before leaving the voting center. I don't know what the answer is, but the adjudication process is an absolute joke that makes cheating way too easy.
Especially when adjudication results in 99.8% of the votes being determined for the Democrat candidate.
That's a big word for a lowly mortgage guy splain it to us now ambualnce-chasers ;)
Been something I’ve pressed since the Q days and the 2020 election. The Swamp figured out how to “challenge” questionable ballots or have tabulators kick them into adjudication by having calibration markings off (like is being proved in the Arizona trial). The adjudication process lets a person decide who the original voter intended to vote for and records the official tally accordingly. The adjudicators are overwhelmingly Dems and is why they shut the public and cameras out of viewing the process, like we famously saw in places like Detroit. Q helped uncover this, even recently . . .

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.17728969
Nov 7 2022 19:20:19 (EST)
Why do some elections take more than a day to count?
Can cheating be done after the polls are closed?
Who controls the pollbooks?
Who controls the databases?
Who controls the elections?
Why are extra ballots printed?
If someone doesn't vote, can bad actors hijack their vote?
Why did the National Guard activate cybersecurity teams?
Who gave the order to 'activate' the cybersecurity teams?
To protect the elections?
To claim the midterms are 'safe'?
Safe from what?
Setting the stage?
Watch carefully.
White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.
You have all the tools you need.
Yeah, that needs to be outlawed. They need to somehow have an onsite adjudication process, where any issues get fixed before leaving the voting center. I don't know what the answer is, but the adjudication process is an absolute joke that makes cheating way too easy.
Simple get rid of the machines go to paper ballots with supervised counting. Outlaw computer and machine voting.

Fierce attack by US media on Zelensky: "He dressed like a strip club owner – This ungrateful s*** does not respect"​

"He does not respect the country that finances his survival"​

Caustic are comments about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for wearing a combat uniform during a historic visit to the White House and Congress, where he made an impassioned call for more funding to boost Kiev's defense effort.

Commentator Tucker Carlson spearheaded the anti-Zelensky spikes, using his late-night Fox News show to accuse the Ukrainian leader of dressing like a "strip club owner asking for money."
Added to the criticism was Donald Trump Jr., son of former President Donald Trump, who called Zelensky the "queen of social welfare" on Wednesday morning.

According to the Daily Mail on his first overseas visit since Russia invaded his country in February, Zelensky showed up at the White House wearing a casual outfit — which included a khaki sweatshirt, a pair of similar-colored pants and combat boots — unlike US President Joe Biden, who was wearing a suit.
"Zelensky arrives at the White House to ask for more support from the $45 billion boost," Husebo tweeted. "For €45 billion, it's not enough. dollars, show a little respect and rent a suit."

Other Breitbart employees also participated, with political editor Emma-Jo Morris writing:

"Zelensky is flying all the way to the U.S., but he still can't put on a suit."

Benny Johnson, host of the right-wing news channel Newsmax, tweeted:

"This ungrateful s*** does not have the dignity to wear a suit in the White House — it does not respect the country that finances its survival."

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