Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Thanks for considering that theory as legit. Been bugging me since then and no one would listen. I was watching that day real time (still working from home for Covid) and distinctly remember it hitting me both how well Ted was doing and how upset I was with our brethren for interrupting him. Once it was revealed for certain that it was orchestrated by Nancy et al, 2+2 wasn't hard math.

There's no way a LEGITIMATE pause to look into election rigging could occur. At that time there was A LOT of evidence still in the public space - all gone now - including the Peter Navarro piece.

No one said a single word about the path Ted wanted to take after that. None.

In my view, Ted Cruz's finest moment as a Senator

This isn’t over.
“Bakhmut is like Dresden, and the countryside looks like Passchendaele,” he said, referring to the German city destroyed by allied bombing in World War II and the infamously muddy and bloody World War I battlefield. “It’s just a horrible and miserable place.”

Ukraine closely guards its casualty figures, but its forces are believed to be suffering badly around Bakhmut.

“They’ve been taking extraordinarily high casualties,” Milburn said of the units training with Mozart. “The numbers you are reading in the media about 70 percent and above casualties being routine are not exaggerated.”

Milburn minces no words in confirming the catastrophic casualties the Ukrianian forces are suffering — 7 out of every ten soldiers are killed or wounded. It underscores the reality that the Russians are firing six artillery rounds for every one round fired by Ukraine.

My niece in Florida actually has a wood cookstove an old timey thing she picked up in I think she said Georgia or Alabama.
Her friends and neighbors all laughed. They ain't laughing now. She has a 240 acre farm and raises all her own food. Chicken, pork beef, turkeys etc.

I’m actually starting to get some faith back. The drips on Twitter are only going to get bigger, and I’m thinking the Fauci files blow this entire thing wide open and we finally start to see the flood of information. Right now I see animals backed into a corner, making every move left in the playbook to try and escape. Hopium? Maybe, but I’m also not one who sees the final Q outcome as this agenda for good like the authors portrayed it to be. While I think the time to celebrate may be short, I will certainly enjoy the unmasking of all these bad actors, many of whom have climbed the highest of high horses to belittle God, the common man, and the human spirit. Selfishly, I just want to see the look of shock on every person that wrote all of this off as lunacy, while never taking the time to actually look for themselves. Talk about a put your feet up and grab the popcorn moment. I Promise, God...I will not gloat. I’ll just sit back...observe, and prepare for what follows.

PS...I got a gut feeling we see something wild on Christmas Eve/Day.
If someone is honestly willing to admit they were wrong then I’d give forgiveness. We need all of the help we can get. Keep an eye on em but give them a chance.


Who is more likely to convert people to the truth than someone that once believed the same lies they believed?

You need them for the movement of truth to fully take hold and it speeds up the process.

Many of you on here like Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk and others who used to be on the left.

Now how many people do you think they have woken up that never would have otherwise -literally tens of millions.

Hate, bring to justice, and kill the politicians and Fauci types that deceived the public.

You also have to keep in mind how "programmed" people are by the government and the MSM.

We are the epicenter of knowing the truth ITT

Very few have that luxury.

Show some compassion for those that see the light.

The villains, the bad actors, MSM, deep state we can take turns killing those evil pieces of shit.

Those are the ones that get no mercy.

Time to go for my run.

It's going to be a great day!

God Bless all LAC and your families/friends.
This ain't fucking right these 2 bitches holding a Ukraine flag on the House floor.

The problem with this, besides having to look at 3 crooks in one picture is that people around the world look at this and think Americans, by and large, want to be sending billions to a country that is corrupt AF over doing anything for our own people...who could really use the help. It makes Americans look like they all support the Ukraine....we don't


but their true purpose

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