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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021

If so, then all JrHi, HS, and College games are slave auctions brought on by the slaves. Without those venues they would likely be garbage truck workers. Nobody forces them to be auctioned except their parent/s, posse, handlers and advisors. The difference is they all chose where they wanted to audition for the auctions.


Nov 27, 2021

Ukraine turned to the stone age in one hour: Thunderstorm of Russian missiles from the 4 points of the horizon -In the dark millions of Ukrainians​

Ukraine returned to stone age in 1 hr today.
Honestly how Americans can allow this to continue is something else. This whole war started because of Bill Clinton mistakes. And the SOB Obama was in there in 2005 as a junior Senator setting up Bio Labs with Senator Lugar.
Then the afflictions of Biden began in 2014. And the daily butchery of ethnic Russians in the Eastern Ukraine by Poreshenko and Zelinsky.

War Criminals. Over 100,000 dead Ukrainian's another 300,000 plus wounded soldiers.
Zelinsky should be hanged as a War Criminal.


Jan 8, 2021
We have got to stop with the “everyone is controlled opposition…” narrative. If we can’t trust anyone then what does any of this even mean? We can’t get to the point where we are so paranoid that we don’t trust anyone except DJT. I don’t mean blind trust, always verify, but we can’t get into this complete paranoia.
I’m with you!

But, @Mr.Fitzwell is Ray Epps.


Nov 27, 2021
We have got to stop with the “everyone is controlled opposition…” narrative. If we can’t trust anyone then what does any of this even mean? We can’t get to the point where we are so paranoid that we don’t trust anyone except DJT. I don’t mean blind trust, always verify, but we can’t get into this complete paranoia.
Like President Reagan said, Trust But Verify. @TheRealJohnCooper 100%


Jan 8, 2021
Some people follow Peggy Hall of The Healthy American.

Here's her latest:

Thank you to all the Healthy Americans who asked me to cover this breaking news coming out of Johns Hopkins University.

You know -- the same Johns Hopkins that has been "flu-mongering" for the last three years, bringing you dire predictions and non-stop fear and panic?

Yeah, that Johns Hopkins.

Their ominous-sounding "Center for Health Security" was the seat of Event 201, which featured Granny Gates and the cabal doing a dress rehearsal for what would be the cooties emergency.

Now Granny Gates & Co have come up with CATASTROPHIC CONTAGION, which they promise will be even MORE DEADLY than cooties, and affect children and young people.

Now I'm going to go out on a limb here and give my own prediction, which is: these hogwashers will not be able to get away with what they did the first time because so many more of us are now awake, alert and on-the-ready to fight back, stand strong and repel the tyrants.

What say you?
~ Peggy


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
We have got to stop with the “everyone is controlled opposition…” narrative. If we can’t trust anyone then what does any of this even mean? We can’t get to the point where we are so paranoid that we don’t trust anyone except DJT. I don’t mean blind trust, always verify, but we can’t get into this complete paranoia.

It's post like this that make me feel like someone's out to get me!

How can I even trust you?

It feels like your manipulating the situation.

Almost as I should believe you just because you wear the badge.
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