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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
"Scalise will replace current House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), who has held the position for about four years.

The position of House majority leader is the second-highest ranking position in the chamber, behind only the speaker.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was selected as Republicans’ choice for speaker just prior to Scalise’s election, but the full House will need to vote to confirm McCarthy in January."
Will there be a vote to confirm Emmer as WHIP in January, or are we stuck with him?


Jan 8, 2021
You can argue that last night was trumps best speech ever. Because he was measured and on point. If he can just manage to not take bait from various areas and stay on point and on message his policies and ideas should resonate. The problem is I doubt he can because he can’t help but to flap his gums and act “unpresidential”. If somebody internally can finally get him to manage his ego he would be just what the country needs right now. But he’s never shown an ability to stay on point and to not be like gasoline on a fire. And we don’t need that version of Trump. If he’s going to do that he will lose. He has to show over an extended period of time leading into the primary season that he can be measured and not an asshole. That is his only chance. Because policy wise he is a no-brainer.
Any version of 'Trump is better than any alternative. If there was anyone that would fight the swamp, I would be for them. But Trump is the only one to even try to expose the swamp - much less try to defeat it. Few others even talk about the swamp and they do so now only because Trump has exposed the swamp.
You may not like Trumps ways but he is the only horse to ride even though he bucks now and then.
If you know of anyone who will fight like Trump to end the swamp - give me the name - I will support them. I can tell you now - there is no one. Certainly not the bought and paid for Desantis.


Jan 8, 2021
This is the Council of Europe and NATO. Count the number of Morons and Imbeciles in the picture. This is the cream of the cream that is western leadership.
My Fucking Oath But That is scary. They only have enough brain cells to feed themselves and hopefully wipe their asses. Yet these fools will decide if we go all in and incinerate humanity.
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Look at that diversity- so much for equity


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Some rep threatened that if Rs don't elect McCarthy as speaker, some Rs might break away and convince some dems to join them and elect someone noxious as speaker, for example, Liz Cheney.

Speaker doesn't have to be a member of congress. They could elect almost anyone.

Long story short, the Deep State controls the republican party, and threatened any America First types with Hitler for Speaker. And they bought off Marjorie Taylor Green to help sell the gambit.


Jan 8, 2021
You can argue that last night was trumps best speech ever. Because he was measured and on point. If he can just manage to not take bait from various areas and stay on point and on message his policies and ideas should resonate. The problem is I doubt he can because he can’t help but to flap his gums and act “unpresidential”. If somebody internally can finally get him to manage his ego he would be just what the country needs right now. But he’s never shown an ability to stay on point and to not be like gasoline on a fire. And we don’t need that version of Trump. If he’s going to do that he will lose. He has to show over an extended period of time leading into the primary season that he can be measured and not an asshole. That is his only chance. Because policy wise he is a no-brainer.
I hope he has learned the lessons from last time....you'd think he's smart enough of a man to do that...time will tell. If he stays on message and above the BS, it will bode well for him. I know he has many axes to grind and I can't imagine going through a small percentage of what he and his family have. It's simple, stay on message while touting your accomplishments, refrain from the petty bs for the duration of the campaign all while doing it in a Presidential manner and good things will happen. If/once elected put some hound dogs on the bullshit trail while he's following through on his promises of getting this Country back on track...


Jan 8, 2021

I’m almost done voting Republican as well. I have generally voted Republican as a matter of pick your poison, and thought that voting third party was a wasted vote. But now, I’m considering tanking the careers of current republicans and their uniparty mentality is the only way we get change… or we could just shake the tree.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
You can argue that last night was trumps best speech ever. Because he was measured and on point. If he can just manage to not take bait from various areas and stay on point and on message his policies and ideas should resonate. The problem is I doubt he can because he can’t help but to flap his gums and act “unpresidential”. If somebody internally can finally get him to manage his ego he would be just what the country needs right now. But he’s never shown an ability to stay on point and to not be like gasoline on a fire. And we don’t need that version of Trump. If he’s going to do that he will lose. He has to show over an extended period of time leading into the primary season that he can be measured and not an asshole. That is his only chance. Because policy wise he is a no-brainer.
I made almost this exact same statement a week or two ago. Couldn't agree more. There has to be someone on his team that can have a man to man with him. I don't know who that is, but someone needs to tell him to quit with the childish stuff, and maybe even apologize for some of his past nonsense.


Jan 9, 2021

Dated a "Mormon" a few years back. She certainly didn't follow the letter of their laws but what I learned about them was that the almighty dollar is more important than any of their silly rules within the religion. Far more important. So this change of course on gay marriage leads me to believe they have been paid off by some entity promoting the gay agenda. JMO, but having been around them and going to their services, it became abundantly clear to me money is the higher power of that religion.


Jan 9, 2021
I made almost this exact same statement a week or two ago. Couldn't agree more. There has to be someone on his team that can have a man to man with him. I don't know who that is, but someone needs to tell him to quit with the childish stuff, and maybe even apologize for some of his past nonsense.
Trump will never apologize for anything publicly. So we can rule that out with almost certainty. I am not one that cares about what is looked at as childish or whatever hurts peoples feelings, don't care. How was he at the job is far more what I am concerned about and frankly, the party needs a little more brashness and a lot less what it is now. Feeble and dishonest.
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