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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
<-------------- Hasn't someone been saying for over a year the dems were going to cheat and be very open about it? They had to keep the Senate to make sure they controlled nominations---like maybe a SCOTUS seat opening Scalia style.

They don't even have to keep the senate for that. They can get Rs anytime they want. They got 3 on Biden's last nomination, and didn't even need them. The senate is impossibly corrupt, irredeemable.


Jan 8, 2021
Yup, it’s 2020 2.0...”conservative” commenters blame the voters, blame Trump...just don’t talk about the Fraud. Midterms we’re supposed to be “secure“ though and we were going to get a massive red wave...shit is over man. What needs to happen will never happen, for many reasons...but I don’t blame people, we’re too far gone to make a real stand anyway. JMO
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Jan 8, 2021
This is probably representative of reality across America yet the voting machines go brrrr.
Which is exactly why he needs to stay Gov of Florida and not run in 24 as much as people will want him too. He immediately cleaned up Florida's election issues and look at the results. We knew the winners of all the races by 10pm and I didn't hear of any issues reported in Florida. One key to getting out of this mess is through strong conservative governors who will fight to clean up fraudulent election activities.


Jan 8, 2021
I don’t know if you folks read Paul Tripp. But he is amazing.

Yesterday in the United States, Tuesday, November 8, was Election Day. This devotional was written and scheduled before any votes were cast or election results were announced. It is not a commentary on any political system, but rather, a reminder and encouragement for the children of God to rest assured in the sovereign power of their King.
Perhaps the results of yesterday’s election went the way you wanted. Maybe the candidate you voted for won. Or perhaps the opposite was true. This morning you might be waking up excited, confident, and assured. Or maybe you are confused, angry, and disturbed about what the future might hold for your city, state, or nation.
Whatever you think about politics and elections, you need this perspective on God’s sovereignty to make sense out of what seems, at times, to make no sense at all:
“The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” (Proverbs 21:1)
“For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.” (Psalm 22:28)
“He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings.” (Daniel 2:21)
That last verse gives me so much confidence the morning after an election: “He removes kings and sets up kings.” While it comes from a historical narrative many years ago in a distant land, the same God who ruled over Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and Babylon is the same God this morning. He has never changed. His power, authority, and sovereignty have not lessened.
Nebuchadnezzar had declared himself the ultimate authority, was obsessed with his own glory, and demanded worship and service rightly due only to God himself. “At the end of twelve months he was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, and the king answered and said, “Is not this great Babylon, which I have built by my mighty power as a royal residence and for the glory of my majesty?”” (Daniel 4:29-30, ESV)
So the King of kings and Lord of lords rose to demonstrate to Nebuchadnezzar, and generations to follow, who was truly sovereign. “While the words were still in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven...”
“Immediately the word was fulfilled against Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from among men and ate grass like an ox, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven till his hair grew as long as eagles’ feathers, and his nails were like birds’ claws.” (4:33)
Nebuchadnezzar only had power by the Lord’s will and under his command. At God’s command, this government official human could be deemed powerless and humiliated in a moment. There is only one who governs the affairs of heaven and earth, who charts the course of history, and by whose will the kingdoms of earth rise and fall—and it is no politician, dictator, CEO billionaire, or celebrity.
The picture of God taking Nebuchadnezzar from palace to pasture should come to mind when you’re tempted to give up hope, quit praying, and give way to compromise when it comes to elections or government authority.
No human leader has autonomous power. No human leader is the final authority. No human leader has independent rule.
The Lord alone is sovereign.
God bless,
Paul David Tripp
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Nov 27, 2021
Which is exactly why he needs to stay Gov of Florida and not run in 24 as much as people will want him too. He immediately cleaned up Florida's election issues and look at the results. We knew the winners of all the races by 10pm and I didn't hear of any issues reported in Florida. One key to getting out of this mess is through strong conservative governors who will fight to clean up fraudulent election activities.
Start giving out minimum 10 year jail sentences for vote tampering or voter fraud of anykind. and ban all voting machines and go back to paper hand ballots and hand count under bipartisan monitors at each count table.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Get Walker to a run off.

Get Lake across the finish line.

Still a shot at a good night. Not the great night we hoped for but still House/Senate majority.
How some of you believe the "Red Wave" or a blood bath was happening. Its never going to happen. Look at how red the US is as far as areas and counties. Were being run by the lowlifes that live in big cities and urban areas bc of their population. They know exactly where to hold it up and make what they want to happen. Until we figure out to stop the cheating and election interference we are going to be a county, state by state, city by city, run by the shlebs that ruin their own cities. The boats on the group people that actually make the entire thing work are ignored by the dense population of the big city areas. Look across the US. Its the rural areas the suburbs of America that make it all work not the densely populated areas. Other than that they cheat to win.


Jan 9, 2021
Former Fox News Reporter Deep Dickin Bill Gates ex wife. I know she is ugly, but ole gal probably not have gotten one good fucking in her entire life married to that weasel. Good for her.



Jan 8, 2021
There are a lot of stupid fucks out there. Florida had a great night but how does Crist even get the amount of votes he got? People are ignorant and this is a problem across our country.

The Dems play the long game. They have a better ground game ($$$$) and control most of the major population centers in these swing states. That along with a controlled media apparatus it looks like we are heading the way of the dodo bird.

The Pubs are going to blame Trump and The Supreme Court. We need a new party!
Crist gets the votes he did in two areas, boomers and college educated females. And I’m not saying Crist carried those groups, just that they are likely a good bit of his vote total.

Let’s be honest though, Florida fixed the election fraud loopholes after 2018 governor race and Desantis won by 20 points.

That tells me the PA and AZ close results are sketchy at best. I’m not saying lake, masters, and oz should be double digit winners, but none should lose if there are no shenanigans. People want common sense politics and this was on the ballot for those races.
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