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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I consider you to be a fellow patriot. I also believe that being as "chronologically gifted" as you are, entitles you to a certain kind of respect that others have not earned (yet).

I completely disagree about Ukraine. Russia is mostly getting its ass kicked right now. No doubt western military aid (especially US aid) makes all the difference for Ukraine. I'm happy to see that the sides are looking at peace talks, but Ukraine is approaching this from a position of strength. I have zero love for Putin, but not much more for Zelenski either.

I completely disagree with you about this issue, but that's perfectly OK.
Russia presented the case late last week for ukraining biolabs. I can't post it but it happened. And yes Russia is getting beat bc of HIMARS. Western military assets are the best. Most the money allocated to Ukraine went to slush fund swashbucklers. .
It is blackmail payments so zelensky keeps playing. If it was Russia vs Ukraine it'd be a slaughter.
Putin didn't do that for a de-nazify operation and builab exposure.
.pubs winning either house and going ground anywhere is our winning


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Yes when the ground freezes down hard the armies can move again. I think Kherson to Odessa will be the main battle. Biden and the Democrats have upended the whole world order. To be fair it reaches back before him, but the buck has to stop somewhere some day.
Makes Afghan play look like Kindergarten recess.
So UK/EU in collapse, NATO in taters, he has lost ME and Saudi Arabia, on verge of open war with Russia and China at same time. Loses Senate and House, US economy a mess, shortages of everything.
And he thinks he is the Emperor of the World.
He is taking America to a very dark place. I miss Trump.

God Bless America and Americans Tonight We Need His Blessing Bad.
But the Adults are in charge


Jan 8, 2021
How interesting to see this text just now. I think God is trying to tell us something. He's certainly telling me something.

About 30 minutes ago, I sat down to read my Bible (it's still morning here on the West Coast). I didn't know what I wanted to read. I had just finished the book of Mark a couple days ago and decided to go to the book of Daniel, which I hadn't read in about a year.

I started at the beginning of the book, and then as I was reading through it, just like Paul Tripp, I landed on the story of Nebuchadnezzar in Chapter 4 & 5. I noticed this morning something I had never noticed before. Three times in Chapter 4 (and once again in Chapter 5), the text states something to this effect: "the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes."

God is fully in control, as He always has been. His plans are not thwarted. He wasn't surprised by any of this. He isn't sitting in Heaven fretting over anything.

If you've never read this story in Daniel, do so. God broke Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest king the ancient world ever knew, and reduced him to madness for seven years, until he humbled himself and gave glory to God.

Think about what Nebuchadnezzar represented to Israel. He was their destroyer. He tore down God's temple and put the people of Judah in captivity, seemingly ending the Davidic kingdom. And yet, years later, after coming to be humbled by God, Nebuchadnezzar, the arch-enemy of God's people, writes a chapter of the Hebrew Bible. Read Chapter 4 - it's written by Nebuchadnezzar himself, and he recognizes that, regarding God, "His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; His dominion endures from generation to generation."

God's kingdom IS, WAS, and WILL ALWAYS BE.

So, be disappointed today, for sure, yet don't let disappointment turn into despair, because God, the only God there is, was, or ever will be, is on the throne, and His kingdom is the real story.

By the way, I didn't want you all to think that I was making this up regarding my study this morning, so I took a couple of photos of the beat up $8 NIV Bible I use for my morning studies. I'm in the habit of date-marking things God teaches me. I wrote that note dated "11/09/2022" about 10 minutes before opening this thread and reading the post that Pineapple shared above.

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God is always talking to us! We just don’t stop to listen.

This world is not of Him - Jesus declared - John 14:30, NIV: I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me,

But, that ruler has no power of His people! Amen.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
How interesting to see this text just now. I think God is trying to tell us something. He's certainly telling me something.

About 30 minutes ago, I sat down to read my Bible (it's still morning here on the West Coast). I didn't know what I wanted to read. I had just finished the book of Mark a couple days ago and decided to go to the book of Daniel, which I hadn't read in about a year.

I started at the beginning of the book, and then as I was reading through it, just like Paul Tripp, I landed on the story of Nebuchadnezzar in Chapter 4 & 5. I noticed this morning something I had never noticed before. Three times in Chapter 4 (and once again in Chapter 5), the text states something to this effect: "the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes."

God is fully in control, as He always has been. His plans are not thwarted. He wasn't surprised by any of this. He isn't sitting in Heaven fretting over anything.

If you've never read this story in Daniel, do so. God broke Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest king the ancient world ever knew, and reduced him to madness for seven years, until he humbled himself and gave glory to God.

Think about what Nebuchadnezzar represented to Israel. He was their destroyer. He tore down God's temple and put the people of Judah in captivity, seemingly ending the Davidic kingdom. And yet, years later, after coming to be humbled by God, Nebuchadnezzar, the arch-enemy of God's people, writes a chapter of the Hebrew Bible. Read Chapter 4 - it's written by Nebuchadnezzar himself, and he recognizes that, regarding God, "His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; His dominion endures from generation to generation."

God's kingdom IS, WAS, and WILL ALWAYS BE.

So, be disappointed today, for sure, yet don't let disappointment turn into despair, because God, the only God there is, was, or ever will be, is on the throne, and His kingdom is the real story.

By the way, I didn't want you all to think that I was making this up regarding my study this morning, so I took a couple of photos of the beat up $8 NIV Bible I use for my morning studies. I'm in the habit of date-marking things God teaches me. I wrote that note dated "11/09/2022" about 10 minutes before opening this thread and reading the post that Pineapple shared above.

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Part of the message at our church last week talked about this as well. Elections do have consequences, but God can use any and all situations to accomplish His will. What is His will for America and for the world in the short term? I have no idea. But yeah, he has allowed terrible kings and leaders to come into power, many times resulting in major problems for their country. Why would we be any different?

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021

I voted libertarian for senate (Rubio is a total bum) and I voted for myself for congress instead of Corey mills (definition of a career government leach, now headed towards a giant payday for his company). I’ll be changing my registration to NPA now, even though I didn’t get to vote against Marco in the primary because he was unopposed.

Republicans are just as crooked as democrats. Democrats are just crazy to go along with it.


Jan 8, 2021
Which is exactly why he needs to stay Gov of Florida and not run in 24 as much as people will want him too. He immediately cleaned up Florida's election issues and look at the results. We knew the winners of all the races by 10pm and I didn't hear of any issues reported in Florida. One key to getting out of this mess is through strong conservative governors who will fight to clean up fraudulent election activities.
I could not have said it better myself. Now, if you guys up in Georgia can manage to get Hershall Walker the W that would be great. WTF happened in the county that Athens is in? He lost that county. Get your $#!t together Georgia. FFS.


Jan 8, 2021
I could not have said it better myself. Now, if you guys up in Georgia can manage to get Hershall Walker the W that would be great. WTF happened in the county that Athens is in? He lost that county. Get your $#!t together Georgia. FFS.
The Dems mobilized GEN Z voters and Athens is home to a college full of Liberal college kids who don't give two shits about a guy who played football for their school over 40 years ago. Best answer I got, bro.
Jan 8, 2021
Why is DeSantis running a bad thing?

It's time for Trump to back down and pass the torch.

I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing. I would support either. However, those who automatically assume DeSantis would the country like he’s ran Fl is in for a rude awakening.

Just keep in mind he’s more likely to be
GWB 2.0 than Trump 2.0. I’m concerned he would be bought and paid for like every else outside of DT. Who knows


Jan 8, 2021
Here's the 2 options

A: The elections are rigged and will never be fixed by voting.....I hope we can do the math here
B: These are legitimate results and this is basically the best the pubs can do as 50% will vote dem no matter what

Either way voting isn't getting it done

It's ok, you know this is true

If you still believe in Q at this point, I salute you


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
God is always talking to us! We just don’t stop to listen.

This world is not of Him - Jesus declared - John 14:30, NIV: I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me,

But, that ruler has no power of His people! Amen.
God gave man free will. God obviously knows what is to come, but is not making it happen, man is. God’s next, and final intervention will be the return of Christ.


Dec 1, 2020
Agreed and ditto. Mo Brooks had it until he screwed up and told an Alabama crowd to let the 2020 Election go.
That he did. If Mo would have listen to the people and Trump about the election and not his consultants he would be a US Senator today.
When you don't fix a problem or at least address it will get worse.
See the swing state elections yesterday.


Jan 9, 2021
Why is DeSantis running a bad thing?

It's time for Trump to back down and pass the torch.
Just a hunch, (I don’t like one more than them ither) but
I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing. I would support either. However, those who automatically assume DeSantis would the country like he’s ran Fl is in for a rude awakening.

Just keep in mind he’s more likely to be
GWB 2.0 than Trump 2.0. I’m concerned he would be bought and paid for like every else outside of DT. Who knows
Kinda agree, with recent rumors of him buddying up to McCarthy and Ryan as well. Seems like they kinda want him to be the next choice bc he will be controlled opp like most of them. Not s fan of trump either tho, not sure what the answer is


Dec 9, 2020
Now that the dust is settling a bit, if we win the house, it will stop the bleeding. If Kari can win, and we have a few governors doing things the right way, it’s an improvement.

I know they cheated, but in the end, crime will continue to skyrocket in blue states. Inflation will get worse, nothing will improve and at some point, Biden will take that heat.


Jan 9, 2021
That he did. If Mo would have listen to the people and Trump about the election and not his consultants he would be a US Senator today.
When you don't fix a problem or at least address it will get worse.
See the swing state elections yesterday.
They don't even have to listen to Trump, just get out from under the rock they live under. It is all there plain to see. Republicans are not very bright and are every bit a part of the problem as democrats in politics. Just for different reasons IMO. There are a few that don't fit under this, Paul being he first that comes to mind, but anyone thinking the party leadership is anything but terrible is just as clueless as Mo Brooks was.


Jan 8, 2021
All you Non-Trump fans, please explain to me like I'm 5. Why? Trump isn't a piece of shit career politician. The swamp has been proven to be VASTLY greater than even previously known which left him ZERO allies to help him in his America First Agenda. So he literally had nobody he could tap to assist him in his administration without it being filled with Uniparty Globalist backstabbing traitors. Please explain how that is Trump's fault? Please explain even with him having to battle those uniparty traitors in his own admin, the Corporate Media, The Corrupt as FUCK DOJ and FBI, the entire Swamp....he still accomplished as much as he did to better the American Way of life, not the globalist pieces of shit and foreign nations. I truly want to know. Somehow some way, Trump was supposed to just KNOW that every person he turned to was a lying no-good piece of trash only set on helping the globalists?

It literally took Trump to create America First candidates in 2018 and on. Without Trump there wouldn't be a DeSantis or a Boebert or a Kari Lake or a Marjorie Taylor-Greene etc etc. She may be batshit, but she is at least working for America. Without Trump it is more Paul Ryans, more Ben Sasse, Ladybug Grahams and on n on. So please enlighten me on why Trump is so bad now?


Jan 8, 2021
All you Non-Trump fans, please explain to me like I'm 5. Why? Trump isn't a piece of shit career politician. The swamp has been proven to be VASTLY greater than even previously known which left him ZERO allies to help him in his America First Agenda. So he literally had nobody he could tap to assist him in his administration without it being filled with Uniparty Globalist backstabbing traitors. Please explain how that is Trump's fault? Please explain even with him having to battle those uniparty traitors in his own admin, the Corporate Media, The Corrupt as FUCK DOJ and FBI, the entire Swamp....he still accomplished as much as he did to better the American Way of life, not the globalist pieces of shit and foreign nations. I truly want to know. Somehow some way, Trump was supposed to just KNOW that every person he turned to was a lying no-good piece of trash only set on helping the globalists?

It literally took Trump to create America First candidates in 2018 and on. Without Trump there wouldn't be a DeSantis or a Boebert or a Kari Lake or a Marjorie Taylor-Greene etc etc. She may be batshit, but she is at least working for America. Without Trump it is more Paul Ryans, more Ben Sasse, Ladybug Grahams and on n on. So please enlighten me on why Trump is so bad now?
I think most people are tired of him constantly shooting himself in the foot. He doesn't do himself any favors. With that said, he was recently asked one thing he regrets/would change about his previous administration and he said PEOPLE. He admitted they made bad choices, but think about it - the guy was bombarded from DAY 1. They've dragged this man, his family, and his businesses through shit on a daily basis for 6 years and he's still the most popular political figure in the world. Trump is also a billionaire who cannot be blackmailed or bought - Desantis isn't.


Jan 8, 2021
The entire thing is a show....and frankly a show for morons



Jan 8, 2021
I think this is the unfortunate world we live in.

"You can't argue with slaves who won't even acknowledge their own shackles." ~ unknown


“It is as difficult and as dangerous to try to liberate a people that wishes to live in slavery as it is to try to enslave a people that wishes to live in freedom” ~ Machiavelli


Jan 8, 2021

The GOP is going to be much the same as what we have now. They will perpetuate the Ukraine giveaway and not do much, if any, to correct the obvious issues with this country and the world. They like what is happening and nobody in the club gets tossed in jail or impeached. They will go through the motions and nothing gets better.

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