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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Heard the Jewish are looking at Rav Schlomo Yahuda as a Messiah

Matthew 24:26-27
New International Version

26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning(A) that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming(B) of the Son of Man.(C)


Dec 1, 2020


Jan 19, 2021
He’s not, though he loves it and the coach. Rutgers coach is cool, too. Max talked with both of them this summer. It’s just not what he wants. He’s not looking to go to college just to play lacrosse. (And that’s not what Towson or Rutgers offers, just not what Max is looking for)

He figured out he prefers a small school with a great business school. We’re leaving tomorrow to go visit Roanoke. (Good program, good school, good coach)

He’s always said he would play d1 or d3. I think he has it narrowed down to 3 schools (maybe 4 after Friday) and all of those schools are d3. (Good programs, small schools) He’ll make his decision in the next couple of weeks and will end up where he should be. There have been other d1 schools. Not what he’s looking for. He wants to play, not stand on the sideline and get lost in a crowd for a degree and the chance to say he ‘played’ for soandso.

He needs that smaller, more intimate class size. He needs that personal face and accountability. 2 schools are close, 2 aren’t. I’ve got a pretty good idea of where he will go, but I won’t say until he makes his decision.

But make no mistake. He will always love Towson. Towson is a great school and team with a really good, honest coach who truly sees more than just any guy who can play. Could Max play for them? Yea. Not a question. That’s not what he’s (coach) looking for. And that’s not what Max is looking for. That’s a credit to them.

And that he took the time to talk to Max (and still told him to take time to think about what he’s looking for and he was wanting to talk more) is what every coach should be.
Great stuff. I wish him luck. I'm always interested to hear recruiting process stories. It's a nasty, tough process. Sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders and is thinking things through well.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021

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