Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
UK and the EU collapsing.
After Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Boris Johnson vowed that Western sanctions would “hobble the Russian economy”.

In March, Liz Truss as Foreign Secretary announced 65 sanctions and fiercely declared: “Putin should be under no illusions. We are united with our allies and will keep tightening the screw on the Russian economy to help ensure he fails in Ukraine. There will be no let-up.”

But six months on, while we are paying the price for the invasion with a crippling cost-of-living crisis, locals in Moscow are upbeat.


Good looking dude... some homo but no pedo.
Thank you. He's a great young man. I'm proud and blessed to call him my son. He's a mama's boy. In the best way.

(And he's now 18, so no worries 😂)

We have successfully raised 4 kids to adulthood. We have a 100% success rate!!!!😂

Seriously, I was taking to a couple of younger men this weekend. One has 3 littles. The other just found out he's expecting his first. (I've known the second guy for years and he's Max's trainer). They were asking for advice to raise good kids. Here's what I told them...

Talk to your children how you want them to talk to others. Manners matter. Treat them with the respect you expect them to treat others. Set hard expectations early and don't bend. Let the other bullshit go. If laundry doesn't get done on Monday, it'll be there Tuesday. The world won't end. (also,teach them how to do their own laundry as soon as they're tall enough to do it). Support them in whatever direction they go. If you don't know anything about what they're interested in, learn. Listen. Accept no blatant disrespect, but recognize when to get after them or when it's a sign that something is really bothering then and to keep pushing until they break and start talking. And LISTEN. Encourage them to argue and debate. And force them to defend their position. And do so without resorting to cheap shots (same goes for you). You might come around to a point you hadn't thought of. (Had a moment last night with my daughter. She had a great point that I'm still thinking about)

Remember their lives do not belong to you. Do what you can to help them follow their path and sit back and watch them soar. Cheer for them when they earn those cheers. Be there for comfort and real talk when they don't. You are his/her parent...... not their friend, coach or agent. Never undermine the coach/player relationship (obviously asuming there's no abuse...and no, a coach yelling at a kid is not abuse) (((this goes for kids in band, choir, theater, debate, art... whatever))))

Most of all...make sure they know you love them.

Do that ^^^^ they'll know.
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Is anybody other than you intelligent? I’d love to read/listen to some of the people you deem worthy.
He's not stupid, he's just a hack

Those worth listening too has basically reached 0 for me. I'd say G Edward Griffin and Katherine austin fitts

I listened to Katherine austin fitts as she seemed uniquely sober and coherent. She seems to do a good job of laying out the macro pieces together between covid, cbdc, bio medical security state. But at a certain point there really are just a few important points to make and then it's action time

Even with her, there is something a little off imo and no one is to be trusted

It's sort of a moot point what the cabal is going to do. The question is what are we going to do

This realization renders the entire right wing/truth punditry class irrelevant
He's not stupid, he's just a hack

Those worth listening too has basically reached 0 for me. I'd say G Edward Griffin and Katherine austin fitts

I listened to Katherine austin fitts as she seemed uniquely sober and coherent. She seems to do a good job of laying out the macro pieces together between covid, cbdc, bio medical security state. But at a certain point there really are just a few important points to make and then it's action time

Even with her, there is something a little off imo and no one is to be trusted

It's sort of a moot point what the cabal is going to do. The question is what are we going to do

This realization renders the entire right wing/truth punditry class irrelevant
If there are 0 people you deem worthy of listening to, tell us your plan for how to deal with the situation. If nobody else is worthy, you must be the ultimate source. So tell us what to do.
If there are 0 people you deem worthy of listening to, tell us your plan for how to deal with the situation. If nobody else is worthy, you must be the ultimate source. So tell us what to do.
It's not the source but the method

Nothing gets solved on YouTube, bitchute, etc

Time and effort must be allocated to construction of local systems for food, energy, housing

We can protest all we want, we can share Jack posobeic tweets all day long, this comes down to the basic necessities

Breaking out of the absurd tax/debt/comfortably numb serfdom requires self reliance and creation of a new civil society
He's not stupid, he's just a hack

Those worth listening too has basically reached 0 for me. I'd say G Edward Griffin and Katherine austin fitts

I listened to Katherine austin fitts as she seemed uniquely sober and coherent. She seems to do a good job of laying out the macro pieces together between covid, cbdc, bio medical security state. But at a certain point there really are just a few important points to make and then it's action time

Even with her, there is something a little off imo and no one is to be trusted

It's sort of a moot point what the cabal is going to do. The question is what are we going to do

This realization renders the entire right wing/truth punditry class irrelevant
I can agree with this. I find a lot more common ground/agreement with citizens I meet out and about. I’ve met several in public with logo language I tend to agree with. I strike up conversations with them about their hats/shirts/tats. Very interesting how many people think the same and are trying to determine what the line in the sand event is. Easy to be a warrior on here. Tougher when you have a family that relies on you. But, to a person, the sense that - something is coming - is there in the conversation. I think a Ruby Ridge/Clive Bundy event will set it off.

One thing for sure, many folks are on edge and have that “line” in their heads.

I can agree with this. I find a lot more common ground/agreement with citizens I meet out and about. I’ve met several in public with logo language I tend to agree with. I strike up conversations with them about their hats/shirts/tats. Very interesting how many people think the same and are trying to determine what the line in the sand event is. Easy to be a warrior on here. Tougher when you have a family that relies on you. But, to a person, the sense that - something is coming - is there in the conversation. I think a Ruby Ridge/Clive Bundy event will set it off.

One thing for sure, many folks are on edge and have that “line” in their heads.
No doubt. That's why I don't hold anyone getting the jab to keep their job against them

Everyone is in a different position and it's an unprecedented type of war

The purging of the military will rear it's ugly head before the end of the decade imo
The speed of the EU collapse is astounding. Imagine that, remove fossil fuels and the Green Economy collapses very quickly.
The De Industrialization of Europe and the UK is happening fast. Like the old USSR collapsing.
It's not the source but the method

Nothing gets solved on YouTube, bitchute, etc

Time and effort must be allocated to construction of local systems for food, energy, housing

We can protest all we want, we can share Jack posobeic tweets all day long, this comes down to the basic necessities

Breaking out of the absurd tax/debt/comfortably numb serfdom requires self reliance and creation of a new civil society
OK. How? And this is only the 47th time we’ve asked you. Could you please, finally, actually give us details instead of broad platitudes? You act like you have the answer, but lack any meaningful detail on how it can be accomplished. So let’s start with a basic need you raised — tell us how to build a “local” system for the production and distribution of energy.
So why wouldn’t we be willing?
Too many deep state cabal distractions in this world preventing us from seeing a larger picture. If we achieve world unity and peace, then we can look to the stars to better understand God’s greater message. Keep things fucked up on Earth and we never go to the beyond. It also tamps down energy source advancements that would solve energy crises and improve the human condition.
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