OK. How? And this is only the 47th time we’ve asked you. Could you please, finally, actually give us details instead of broad platitudes? You act like you have the answer, but lack any meaningful detail on how it can be accomplished. So let’s start with a basic need you raised — tell us how to build a “local” system for the production and distribution of energy.
I have never proclaimed to have the answer. I'm merely the guy saying don't depend on the existing institutions and politicians. More broadly, I have said the those institutions and politicians know they aren't trusted so they have created a network of controlled opposition agents
Idk if you have seen the movie Posideon with Gene Hackman. I don't claim to be Gene, I'm just saying don't follow the other group as I know that is doomed
We have to get our eyes on creating the new not conserving the shambles of the old. We Aren't Palestinians, we are Americans...."we have it within ourselves the power to start the world all over again"
It's finding steps in that direction. I'm getting a dumb phone- that's a personal decision reclaiming sovereignty for me....and a move to counter surveillance state
I get most of food from a local farmer....raw milk, cheeses etc. That's for my own health and local economy. Beyond that I have no idea how to bring back the family farmer though I suspect it's not complicated but does require conviction
Energy.....I am by no means an engineer. Is there an abundant, cheap energy source that is hard to centralize? Idk.....as for oil, we have all the oil we need here in the United States....idk who that system works but I'm thinking the same means to bring back the family farm are needed for abundant, decentralized energy
Education wise....I don't have kids but would like to find a away to make it easier for those that do to find better options outside the public school system....homeschooling, pooling money for the good teachers, etc
Church, who is your clergy and what are they doing? The churches have been infiltrated for decades. Others itt will have way more to say and offer on that
Taxes.....let's just say I don't see income and property tax...among others going gently into that good night
Voting is simply not getting us anywhere and everyone knows it...on some degree
I understand casting a vote but that should be a side dish to our main efforts