Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

New ivermectin study shows a 92% lower chance of COVIuote:​

Protection increases with increased usage of politically charged drug​

Link to news page WND
Link to Study
The fact that this life saving drug is “politically charged” should tell everyone how wrong it is to support politicians. Don’t work for them. Make them work for you (do their job)!

View attachment 130511

^^white privilege and supremacy^^

Terrible headline and marketing, but it is for all races.
No, it's an act. He is who he is and a savior or American statesman he is not

The Bushes and romneys know they are hated and this adds zero support /credibility to the raid

What it does do is have political numbskulls yet fine fruits believe this is evidence of his outsider credentials

Think it through
My Guy its like you are like behind or slow. No Way this is real.
Colonel McGregor
Pic of the documents they posted on twitter? Lol


^^common refrain, elites are not afraid of votes and voters...hhhmmm^^

^^a Journalist who has been right so often^^
It's just exacerbating the situation and, frankly, is giving them exactly what they want. He needs to send the State Guard down there to shut it down. Instead, he dutifully and loyally serves his WEF masters. He is worthless.
He has sent the National Guard, Texas DPS, and others in law enforcement. Just last week the CBP opened a gate on private property that the state boys had just locked to let hundreds through.

What he should do is declare a state of medical emergency with all the Wuhan spreaders arriving and lock them up in quarantine for several weeks.
Colonel McGregor

Friend, I don’t speak hieroglyph
When the Climate Cultists Take Control.
Gonna be really tough to do that shit in NYC but I’m sure they’ll try. Most everyone in high rises has commercial AC’/heat like you see in hotels and the switches are on the machine. Although I’m sure some woke brainiac on our co-op Board will demand we pay 20k each to upgrade that bullshit. Fuck them all and their fake agenda.
There should be a few interested in this. Those in charge of this project have talent but a few performers are suspect to me. Overall though, it should be great IMO.
At the very end of this trailer our own @orng_blud makes a cameo appearance.

Coudn't get passed the gunless outlaw and total fraud lil'matty Mccccowhatever. I can't stand that dude. Wasn't he the minister of culture at some school? I bet that fag fucks guys and that beard/wife he has pegs his ass every night. Solid pass for Viking. SKOL@!
Too late Bro. A friend of mine when he was first married. Took his sweety to a dance. All was fine Gordy said until he tried to squeeze one out quietly and instead he got a shart... He quickly headed to the bathroom to clean up. He said he removed his underwear and wiped his ass with it, and flushed it down the toilet and went back to the dance and festivities. He thought all was well.
Then he heard a commotion and a hub bub down around the washrooms.
The toilet backed up and flooded the dance hall and they had to cancel the dance. Some bastard had flushed his underwear and plugged the toilet.
Him and his wife got home and as they got undressed for bed. His wife suddenly says, what happened to your underwear, where is your underwear.
He was caught.
Never Trust A Fart or a Democrat

or some dumbass who tries to flush his underwear down the toilet;)

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