Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
His constant ranting about being question or insulted as a Vet makes this extremely hard to listen. We get it dude. Get over it and get the meat of the issue.
HATE videos like this. What could have been fully explained and wrapped up in 20minutes is drug out for 90. And yes, I get the irony that he says we have no attention span but FUCK...just GET TO THE POINT!
HATE videos like this. What could have been fully explained and wrapped up in 20minutes is drug out for 90. And yes, I get the irony that he says we have no attention span but FUCK...just GET TO THE POINT!

We have discussed most of what he said here regarding the 13 gun salute, minister resident, DC being it’s own country, the EO’s for election fraud, national emergency.
Derek, identify yourself. I know you are lurking and great job putting a bow on this movie. He gets heated but he lays it out pretty well for those still in denial.
Cliffs for the short attention spanned @MortgageHorn. It's a movie and vegas should be lit! SKOL!

Instead of arguing like everyone is below, maybe watch this video. Certainly cleared things up for me. Firmly believe it’s all true
You see, our aspiring role model has produced a book combining hardcore self-involvement with dysmorphic cartoon pornography, with the results being made available to schoolchildren, including 11-year-olds. As one might imagine, there have been some, shall we say, reservations regarding whether a book of this kind should be circulated among children without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Readers may recall scenes in which parents attempted to read aloud passages from book among fellow adults at school board meetings, typically resulting in reprimands, the shutting off of microphones, and threats of physical removal. Apparently, “vagina slime,” fellatio and “strap-on hotness” are inappropriate topics for adult discussion, even as an attempt to specify a problem, but totally fine for kids. Who apparently need to know about the joys of masturbating while driving.

When TIME magazine interviews Maia Kobabe, author of the book Gender Queer.

Seriously? Have you been paying attention at all ITT?? I think Trump has numerous flaws just like all of us. However, this dipshits take is beyond retarded

You and your thick skulled team of 4 people seem to think hes a god. You are all over it.
Such a weird weak angle that doesnt make sense. You should continue to go with it.

I’ve been in this thread for many years now and I read every single post. I agree with probably half of Cincy’s takes (so not everything). I am open to the idea that Trump is fake and not one of us. I don’t know for certain either way. He’s done things that could make me think both he’s good or bad.

But when I see people like y’all tell people who don’t agree with you to kill themselves, then it makes me think you’re the unhinged one and worship at the alter of trump. I mean I’m like 99% sure Cincy and ETN are not trolls. They just see things differently and aren’t afraid to put their unpopular opinion out there for everyone to see.

Unlike you two, I’m not here for internet point or e-cred or to have everyone in this thread think I’m so witty because I told a guy most people don’t like to kill himself. I’m here to seek the truth and that’s a never ending journey. I’m open to all possibilities.

ETA: you guys also junk up the thread by responding to every single post (multiple times) and calling him a retard or some other form of verbal machismo. Fucking shit. Y’all are worse than Cincy
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I’ve been in this thread for many years now and I read every single post. I agree with probably half of Cincy’s takes (so not everything). I am open to the idea that Trump is fake and not one of us. I don’t know for certain either way. He’s done things that could make me think both he’s good or bad.

But when I see people like y’all tell people who don’t agree with you to kill themselves, then it makes me think you’re the unhinged one and worship at the alter of trump. I mean I’m like 99% sure Cincy and ETN are not trolls. They just see things differently and aren’t afraid to put their unpopular opinion out there for everyone to see.

Unlike you two, I’m not here for internet point or e-cred or to have everyone in this thread think I’m so witty because I told a guy most people don’t like to kill himself. I’m here to seek the truth and that’s a never ending journey. I’m open to all possibilities.

ETA: you guys also junk up the thread by responding to every single post (multiple times) and calling him a retard or some other form of verbal machismo. Fucking shit. Y’all are worse than Cincy
I haven’t seen anything but Trump inciting hatred like no politician before. Mistakes? Sure. But nobody has ever had the odds stacked against them and done what he did. He isn’t a bad guy or a phony. Why in the hell would they steal the election from him and persecute him even before he was in office? Why was he right about every single action when talking to the UN/G7 leaders, etc? It just doesn’t follow that he is a bad actor.
I’ve been in this thread for many years now and I read every single post. I agree with probably half of Cincy’s takes (so not everything). I am open to the idea that Trump is fake and not one of us. I don’t know for certain either way. He’s done things that could make me think both he’s good or bad.

But when I see people like y’all tell people who don’t agree with you to kill themselves, then it makes me think you’re the unhinged one and worship at the alter of trump. I mean I’m like 99% sure Cincy and ETN are not trolls. They just see things differently and aren’t afraid to put their unpopular opinion out there for everyone to see.

Unlike you two, I’m not here for internet point or e-cred or to have everyone in this thread think I’m so witty because I told a guy most people don’t like to kill himself. I’m here to seek the truth and that’s a never ending journey. I’m open to all possibilities.

ETA: you guys also junk up the thread by responding to every single post (multiple times) and calling him a retard or some other form of verbal machismo. Fucking shit. Y’all are worse than Cincy
I accept this endorsement though not a ringing one lmao

But the weakness of the counter arguments is the biggest give away

I'd really prefer Trump to be an ally and/or someone to offer a halfway decent response to my theory but there hasn't been one

I voted for and was a relatively vocal Trump supporter here and in my own circle. But then reality got in the way and I had to adjust
You devour me and taste your cum? You’re doing worse each reply.

Stay down, Bitch.
You've officially unraveled

All harmless thorn, no juice

Rebrand and reapproach

Be very careful, though you think you face Cinncinatus, really it is a force even mightier...truth itself

My chariot has run you over and now you are dust, do what you do and help the ladies when I bust
I suppose everything reeks of losing for a loser like you

Pineapple, stick to what you do best, debate and back and forth isn't it

Ultimately, everyone in this thread knows Trump is a poser and it's positive that we are shifting the focus to what to do about it as it completely rules out the current political process as a viable path
Should seriously consider a different message board.




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