John Brennen is one I despise as much as anybody. Hes a faggotDon't forget this one
Journalist Killed In Car Explosion Was About To Expose John Brennan
The journalist who died in a mysterious car explosion in 2013 was about to expose former CIA Director John Brennan, according to his
I temember bei g a kid when they switched ftom paper bsgs to plastic. I tecall reading about Dupont lobbyists pushing plastic to save the trees. It was everywhere. Now we have a floating plastic wadteland in the Pacific the size of France. BTW, it has gained over 5 thousand tons of disgarded masks since the corona scam was launched. Also, they find micro beads in just about every sea creature and most if not all humans. Fuckers are brilliant at destroying the almighty's creation.In Dallas many years ago they pushed to have plastic bags in stores to replace paper sacks claiming the sacks were clogging the landfills. Guess what? Termites love paper and cannot digest plastic. Termites give off methane which can be recovered to run the landfill operation or sold to the grid.
Environmentalism is mostly hysteria and not well thought out. Sort of like Wuhan Charlie.
Speaking of Wuhan Charlie, one of my suppliers has put the masks must be worn and 6-foot rule signs back on the doors of their buildings. A local Jr College has Masks Recommended on the signs at each entrances to their college.
They fuckin' with the amish now. Eat ze bugs!
I know most of you know this, but we haven't talked about it much ITT.
We are at our Fourth Turning.
the next 10 years will determine the future of our country, if we have one, for the next 80.
We are definitely at war, a revolution. At this point it is cold. At some point, it may not be.
Nuclear energy can be used to sustain energy needs indefinitely. You can't say the same for oil.
Prolly never. It's important to the Deep State what Trump knows but no average lib Joe even knows who Ratcliffe is. This is all theater to "get Trump" and to stop him from running. All 75 % of most libs care about. The deep state likely think they are still untouchable on the intel (probably right) and don't give a rat's ass about Ratcliffe.When will they go after John Ratcliffe? He was DNI and knows all the same stuff Trump knows.
I'm only one data point but I assure you I engage in far more risky activity more often than any person who bothered to get jabbed 3+ times. Skol !Look at the comments. It’s because the jabbed are engaging in more risky behavior because they are more protected.
These people are stupid
Fuck I've Know That Since KindergartenThose paper straws are garbage. Those things fall apart before you're done with your drink.
EVs are political device and you apparently agree with the ideas they posit. All of them are wrong.Do you have sources for these assertions?
At least with Tesla their batteries will outlast the car. Also mile range is comparable to a ice car.
Electric grid will be fine unless in over crowded states or states like Texas that screwed itself by the weird rules and not plugging into National grid.
I do agree the electric cars right now are for opulent urbanites and will add suburbanites and some wealthy rural folks. This crowd will be able to also afford solar panels.
As far as materials shortages for batteries, this will cause material sciences to evolve.
The ev tax subsidies are about useless as giving small businesses 30k tax credits for trucks over a certain weight.
Btw seems like this is another case of polarizing political views rather than looking at evs logically.
There’s advantages and disadvantages for everything and with evs I want to stop the reliance and stop the revenue of the wealthy Middle East oil countries.
Oh bullshit. Peak oil is a failed theory. They continue to find more and more oil reserves.Its not a matter of if we run out of oil, but when. It may be a couple hundred years, but why not start the transition now? What harm is there in letting people buy a battery powered car now if they want to? Is there a downside?
Nuclear energy can be used to sustain energy needs indefinitely. You can't say the same for oil.
I've heard from oil people in Texas that many wells are self-replenishing.
Artificial lift became worth billions because it allowed companies to get oil they couldn’t previously.I've heard from oil people in Texas that many wells are self-replenishing.
Now we know the SOB is crazy
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It was also Dupont that pushed to get rid of R-12 and R-22 freon for R-134. I still have 6 cans of the R-12. Almost as valuable as gold. The guy who farmed my Mom's land gave me 3 cases when he changed over to R-134 on his tractors. I sold 2 cases.I temember bei g a kid when they switched ftom paper bsgs to plastic. I tecall reading about Dupont lobbyists pushing plastic to save the trees. It was everywhere. Now we have a floating plastic wadteland in the Pacific the size of France. BTW, it has gained over 5 thousand tons of disgarded masks since the corona scam was launched. Also, they find micro beads in just about every sea creature and most if not all humans. Fuckers are brilliant at destroying the almighty's creation.
Let me guess. R-12 was bad for the environment and while the new R-134 freon is not as good it doesn't kill the delta smelt. Am I close?It was also Dupont that pushed to get rid of R-12 and R-22 freon for R-134. I still have 6 cans of the R-12. Almost as valuable as gold. The guy who farmed my Mom's land gave me 3 cases when he changed over to R-134 on his tractors. I sold 2 cases.
Re: Led Zeppelin
Yep, I don’t by that oil is finite or a fossil fuel. Makes it seem like we stumbled on something that is essential to human progress.I’ve been doing some digging in the ole rabbit hole and it has me questioning this idea.
We have come along way since this.Artificial lift became worth billions because it allowed companies to get oil they couldn’t previously.
Oh bullshit. Peak oil is a failed theory. They continue to find more and more oil reserves.
USGS Announces Largest Continuous Oil Assessment in Texas and New Mexico | U.S. Geological Survey
Estimates Include 46.3 Billion Barrels of Oil, 281 Trillion Cubic feet of Natural Gas, and 20 Billion Barrels of Natural Gas Liquids in Texas and New Mexico’s Wolfcamp Shale and Bone Spring
Oil is created by the earth and will never run out.
I have zero issue with using hydrogen or nuclear power. Hell, geothermal should be used as well… EVs are wasteful and more destructive than any other energy source.
I was kinda hoping for a Krav Maga Road Show. I can drive you to all these lefty rallies and video you Krav Maga'n their ass. We can get the My pillow guy to sponsor, 'cause they will all be takin' naps. haha SKOL!BTW It's really me - we need a game changer - time to go on the offensive! Turn the tables - sick of being on defense!
Thus, I'm dropping the "Upper Case On Each Word" OCD thing!
Let's fucking go!
Let's Roll!I was kinda hoping for a Krav Maga Road Show. I can drive you to all these lefty rallies and video you Krav Maga'in their ass. We can get the My pillow guy to sponsor cause they will all be takin' naps. haha SKOL!
Let me back up. I won't be driving anywhere. We will need a DD and someone to book the rooms and make sure we have food, weed, some beer, and Krav's ADD medicine. We can wing the rest. I am just there for commentary and because it was my idea after all. SKOL!Let's Roll!