FFS BAMA even you and I in our wild and wellspent youth would not tackle that, feed the boar Spanish Fly and heave her in the Boars penAide Claim Hillary Smells Like Boiled Cabbage, Urine & Farts.
Yes, they happen in the gulf all the time. Really cool to see!waterspout?
How about some seeding over Lake Travis? My dock is dry.
Meanwhile - up the road at Orange Beach...
I disagree. Nothing shows we have come close to using faster than regeneration. Even with artificial lift. The link above shows how much is still available - untapped.Oil is created by earth but we will run out if we use it faster than it is created. The timeline is the only thing that can be argued in my opinion. 100 years, 200 years, 500 years im not sure, but we will run out at some point because we use it faster than it regenerates. I don't think having multiple sources of energy for cars is a bad thing. Gas powered cars still reign supreme, and will for the short to intermediate future, but electric cars are not a bad thing. There is a payoff, give and take if you will, in every decision.
…given an exemption by the F. B. I.But, did he claim those payments on his 1040 form as earned income?
I kinda ignored this at first thinking it was fiction, but more & more it seems real. $12.8T discovery
Uganda Discovers 31 Million Tons of Gold Ore
Recent exploration surveys have revealed 31 million tons of gold ore deposits, currently valued at $12.8 trillion in Uganda.energycapitalpower.com
This fucking guy is a nobody. Why do people give him any credence. Was detailed to a positioncause he can speak the languageto pick up his briefcase of cash not for his strategic or tactical skills.
I laughed way to hard@Martin start sending me money now.