Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Both sides think they’re in the right. One side has facts, the other has propaganda talking points.

Wife’s friend is the one lib I actually like. She told me that she believed Trump colluded with Russia to steal election. I sent her the docs Grennell declassified and said here’s your proof it was a hoax. I then asked her for proof that Trump did collude with Russia. That was two years ago and she never sent me anything. In other words, they have their heads up their asses.
You have to know by now that people that believe that stuff aren't fact based people. They 'feel' like he colluded, and listen to MSNBC to confirm their feelings on what happened.

^^VDH interview in article in must watch^^

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Remembering a time when the worst thing happening was Trump calling Rosie O’Donnell a fat pig makes me wish we knew how good we had it


^^VDH interview in article in must watch^^

Damn thing won’t load for some reason and I cannot find it on YouTube. Can you copy the video link?

Remembering a time when the worst thing happening was Trump calling Rosie O’Donnell a fat pig makes me wish we knew how good we had it

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How far we have fallen. It was said that when Queen Victoria commanded the British Empire when most of the globe was flying UK flags.
That she respected private property and the common man's home so much. No matter how humble it was. That when she would tour the countryside, visiting her subjects. That she never entered anyone's home without asking permission.

Now the low life donkey brain Biden and the scum bag Obama apparently laughed when informed that President Trumps home had been raided.





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