Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Agreed. This is actually the first time I’ve ever tested, and I only did it because my wife is a nurse and had some tests at home.

I hate going to the doctor. I usually only go once a year for my wellness exam.
As an old, going to the MD is getting to be routine. I have declined every attempt to Jab me which has pissed off some MDs. When the massive testing places were out and about I stopped in just to ask a question or two. I was told I had to sign the registration form before anyone would talk with me.

We, well most of us, know the Jab is a rouse. More important to the bureaucrats is collecting names on their databases. Names of Jabbed but more importantly, names of the non-Jabbed.
I think most of Blackfoot is still around. Hatchet is down to one original but still pretty fun live.

Interesting convo with my music buddy at the bar this week. There's very few "classic rock" new bands. The only one I know I'll leave a vid below. The niche that was filled by Aerosmith, Triumph, Foreigner, Rainbow, etc, i.e. Real Rock n Roll but not Scandinavian Death Metal is now being filled by like Brantley Gilbert and Jason Aldean, etc. Modern Country is the new classic rock. One goes from Brantley to Halestorm, whom I like btw - from Maryland/PA.

This "new" band is very cool. Can't wait

There are plenty of these bands, they just don’t get airtime. Rival Sons, Black Country Communion, California Breed, Electric Mary, The Parlor Mob, The Dead Daisies. All fantastic bands, but we get shitty mumble rappers on most media. Go take a listen to the first song that comes up for any of these bands.
Morning Joe Melts down over Arizona Repub Wins and Kari Lake.
As The Navajo says "Walk In Beauty"

Basically, mainstream communist outlets mainly aim to legitimize certain candidates in the minds of right wing voters

"They must be good, msnbc hates them"

Do you think the cabal has figured out that they may be able to steer their opposing by "hating" certain candidates?

Do you believe in the concept of controlled opposition? If you do, who Is on that list? Or more importantly, who is not on that list?

And how do you go about distinguishing between the 2, provided both legitimate and controlled opposition exists at the statewide level in the 2 parties
FYI - home repair after slab leak and flood.

It's messy and texture for walls gets everywhere despite tarping off everything. Fortunately, soap and water removes it even when dry. Left the stuff on the floors since they are going to be replaced in a week or two.
I don’t envy you, brother. I had all that done in my last house about 10 years ago. Was a yuge mess.
I don’t envy you, brother. I had all that done in my last house about 10 years ago. Was a yuge mess.
A couple of positives, a lot of upgrades will be done and this place will not have been this clean in years once the clean-up crew gets finished. Still a pain to remove everything from the furniture (stereo components, albums, CDs) and disassemble my office (computers, printers, etc.) so they can move the furniture to replace the floors. Entry way tile, carpet in LR and office, flooring in kitchen, breakfast and laundry all gone replaced by laminate. 65% of my house will be "new".
A couple of positives, a lot of upgrades will be done and this place will not have been this clean in years once the clean-up crew gets finished. Still a pain to remove everything from the furniture (stereo components, albums, CDs) and disassemble my office (computers, printers, etc.) so they can move the furniture to replace the floors. Entry way tile, carpet in LR and office, flooring in kitchen, breakfast and laundry all gone replaced by laminate. 65% of my house will be "new"

That’s exactly what we did; just turned it into a reno project. We sold that house in 2020, and all those upgrades paid off in dividends.
He emphasized that even these numbers were not exhaustive, and the VAERS database could not handle the larger search of “ALL cancers listed in VAERS” under this category of COVID inoculations.

“Using the exact same search terms for cancer,” he wrote, “I then searched ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years and found only 140 cases of cancer reported (Source).”

“That result is for 360 months (30 years), whereas the 837 cases following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines were reported in just 20 months, since the roll out of the COVID-19 shots beginning in December of 2020,” Shilhavy wrote.

“That is an increase of 10,661.4%!” he concluded.


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