I don’t spend a lot of time arguing with folks on theology. It’s a waste of time.Preterism is the most foolish belief within Christianity. There are scholars who adhere to it, I've yet to see or hear a convincing defense of it. IMO, It's as heretical as replacement theology, you have to spiritualize almost all of prophecy to agree to those conclusions.
Jerusalem, "Gospel of the Kingdom" (biggest and most obvious clue to which period and to whom this refers, we currently do not preach the gospel of the Kingdom, we preach the gospel of Christ, or Paul's gospel as he referred to it; Jesus and John the Baptist were the last to preach the Kingdom message), fleeing on the Sabbath, Judaea, fleeing to the mountains, etc. Jewish warnings for Jewish people. Fleeing Jerusalem from the treachery of the anti-Christ wouldn't be an issue for any other group of people. Matt: 25 is a continuation of 24, and refers to the sheep and goats (judgment of how the gentiles living at the end of the trouble treated Israel).
Matt 24's structure mirrors Rev. 6, at the beginning. Wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, martyrdom, Jesus is specifically running through the Seal judgements of Revelation, line for line, the "beginning of sorrows", followed by the abomination of desolation, which Daniel tells us specifically will be at the midpoint of the 7 years. The chapter is a warning to unbelieving Jews what will happen to them during Daniel's 70th week.
This is all you need to know about today's events and what side you need to be on.
I Call Bullshit - They Destroyed 1763 Tanks
Kind of disappointed the home team ain't playing.
Though I think it's coming
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
1 Corinthians 15:51-52, KJV
Credit to Steve Cioccolanti. What if God was using a play on words and Trump is re-elected and the rapture takes place during his last presidency? Things that make you go hmmmm.
What’s the tally on nations revolting in the streets?
I’ve got:
New Zealand
Sri Lanka
United Kingdom
Just make sure you're headed in the right direction. The rest will work itself out.I Was Really Hoping We Could Delay the End Times
My Tennis Game is Getting Scrong
I Love Hanging Out With LAC My Peeps Etc
Have a Lot of Places Left to Go
Something doesn't look right in the AZ Government race tonight.
Have to know which counties are in.Something doesn't look right in the AZ Government race tonight.
You'll be glad to know that KY has massive amounts of coal but Biden won't let us get hardly any of it. That whole area is going broke.
Continued coverage on AZ
Calm down. Lots of eyes on, this time around. Still a lot of votes to be counted. However, I agree, the fuckery is afoot in Maricopa.Oh, we’re still doing this? It’s Robson vs Hobbs. This will be their grand win for Pence over Trump. Pence is now the conservative choice. It’s all a sham. Midnight ballots coming in.
Calm down. Lots of eyes on, this time around. Still a lot of votes to be counted. However, I agree, the fuckery is afoot in Maricopa.
If they steal it, I don’t believe it will be because they stopped counting again. I think they know that ship sailed last election. We just have to wait and see and put faith in God.I’m not worked up. I’m just of the opinion that our elections are 100% a sham.
How long until they stop the count for the night?
And even if they don’t. They will in November
If they steal it, I don’t believe it will be because they stopped counting again. I think they know that ship sailed last election. We just have to wait and see and put faith in God.
She has declared victory. Boss move on her part and probably good strategy, too.
Let it play out, lots of votes are still out. AZ is crazy but a lot of votes still to be counted Lake is steadily getting 67% of those.These people are delusional. The drop off ballots will not go to Lake.