Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
They don't care how many people are "awake"

Especially if the vessel that "awoke" them is a part of their fleet

You can't handle it and so the opposition must be "left wing trolls"

For the more sober minded people who prioritize truth.......look at these arguments and make your own decision

Here is a breakdown of this guy's post

"I respect his view but it's a waste of resources so he must be a communist"


That's just not a serious effort

Nah, that’s not what I said. I assumed that you were interested in fixing what was wrong. Arguing incessantly over your chosen topic won’t do that, so if it’s all you bring to the table, ignoring you might be our best option.


^^Sowell and Hanson ^^^

this is all such bullshit.

Remember, the FBI had the laptop for plenty of time to assess whether it was real or not but they buried it. The only reason Gulliani went public at the last minute with it was that they wouldn't do a damn thing about it. Without public leaks none of this would have ever seen the light of day. Without the guy making multiple copies none of this would ever be known by the public.

bunch of lying conniving political hacks. all of them.
Yea. The pro war assholes on the HB are convinced that Russia has lost 46000 troops and all those tanks. It would comical if it weren't so dangerous.
Just like all the Wuhan BS the MDs were/are peddling. Some MDs still are peddling it but many are changing their opinions. Good friend who retired as a pediatrician was all pro-Jab and pro-Fauci. Now she has lost all respect for Fauci and the medical profession. She admitted the medical community has lost its credibility.
I read an account from a Military Journal on the Indian Wars in MT, SD etc. Most of the facts never make it into history books for schools etc.
I am related to some of these Natives.
Their Medicine Men for example wore necklaces made of fingers and penis's of their enemy. Pretty fucking primitive and warlike people.
How did the Apache get to the 4 corners area, they were driven there from Alberta, by a stronger enemy. Same as the Cheyanne and the Sioux, they were driven there to MT and SD from the Great Lakes by a stronger enemy. It has always been like this forever.
Every culture all through history took captives and slaves.


Sister said her MD prescribed Paxlovid for her Wuhan bout. She told his nurse to have him issue another drug as she was not taking Paxlovid. Pissed the MD off but he did write something else.
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