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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 9, 2020
it will burn, one day...........but perhaps not before much more damage is done
And the damage and hell when it does.

May God keep and protect our children and grandchildren.

(I'm not kidding. They decide to Criminally indict Trump, this will burn fast, hot and ugly. I'm 98% convinced this is what they want, and they're very badly miscalculating)


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020


Jan 7, 2021
Ok I will.
What I did back in the mountains with Ray and his son Howie.
I was 12-13 that summer. I had worked all summer pumping gas, cleaning washroom's running the gas pumps for my Dad. Dad would give me the float to start the day, and i just carried it in my jeans pocket and made change in my head right at the pump.
Old Ray was a good family friend, he was in his 60's at the time and all he had every done was cowboy.
He was a very easy going, happy guy. He was not very tall, and very bow legged, he had been living outside as a cowboy since he was a kid. It was all he had every done.
My Dad and Ray made the decision on the fly, meaning Ray was drunk when he agreed to take me back in the mountains. It was the last week end before school was to start.
I did not need much warning or encouragement to go.
I had pumped gas for Ray many times and I liked him.
Ray had come out to pick up supplies for a back country lodge, and I do mean back country.
This was many years before the time of cell phones, bag phones or any kind of phones not connected to a telephone pole.
People just did not give a shit about phones. Or run around clutching a phone.
You wanted to talk to somebody, you called on a landline, or you drove or walked over to see them. Or you run into them at the gas station or grocery or post office.
We loaded up the groceries and goodies etc. in Rays old 4x4 pk up, and started out for the back country.
Ray was drunk, he had a bottle for the road. He could drive and roll cigarettes and drink whiskey pretty good with no problems.
He was not drunk when he picked me up, but proceeded to get oiled up as soon as we left.
When the roads up the mountain got bad, I would roll his cigarettes for him.
The road part of the way was single width and cut into the cliff face over a lake.
Very exciting. We got to the end of road probably 30-40 miles back.
Ray had a corral, there with a tack shed. Ray's son Howie was waiting there with 2-3 pack horse's and a green broke little stud horse for Ray. No horse for me, because Howie had no idea Ray was bringing anyone.
By the time the grub was packed into the boxes and tarped and tied down with a double diamond hitch, Ray had finished his bottle and it was getting dark the moon was coming out. It gets dark fast in the high up mountains.
Ray gets on his little stud, and the little mustang does some crow hopping and sideswipes the corral a bit trying to jump out with Ray on his back.
Ray knows all the appropriate cuss words for the horse.
And the little mustang settles a bit because Ray is still on top.
Now Ray hollers at me and gives me his hand and I swing up behind him behind the cantle on the fender.
ow this really pisses off the little stud, especially since Ray has his own ideas about breaking mustangs. Every time the horse shows any buck, Ray reaches around me and pokes his gloved finger up the horses ass and really makes him buck.
Mustang don't like this game, but now he has double the weight.
Ray gets him pointed up the trail and we lit into it, at a run.
The poor mustang was wore out in about a mile.
Now the moon was out and it was dark. All you could hear was saddle leather and the horses breathing, we crossed a couple of creeks and a small river in the moonlight. We had a few miles to go.
I had rode horses a fair bit for my age, but never like this, my ass cheeks were rubbed raw, the inside of my knees were rubbed raw. I was miserable as hell.
It was a couple of hours later we got to our camp.
Ray had a large trappers tent for a cook tent and another was were we slept.
We put the horses in the corral and unsaddled and removed the pack boxes. And stowed everything away in the moonlight.
This is were I found out what my job would be. One old mare was hobbled and a bell hung on her halter, then they were all turned out in the moonlight and the heavy mist that was settling over everything.
Ray told me, in the morning, put the coffee pot on, and call him, then go jingle up the horses.
This meant find the old mare with the hobbles and the bell, and bring in what horses I could gather for us to use for the day.
I slept like a baby.

Thank you so much for the telling of this story.

I am 40 and remember asking my grandparents to tell me about their childhoods like it was yesterday.

I remember petting their horse Maggie, I somehow ended sitting on it when she stood up. I rode her over to my grandma who told me, "you got up there, you can get down". And walked inside. I slid down the fucking horses tail at 6 yrs old.


Jan 7, 2021
Thank you so much for the telling of this story.

I am 40 and remember asking my grandparents to tell me about their childhoods like it was yesterday.

I remember petting their horse Maggie, I somehow ended sitting on it when she stood up. I rode her over to my grandma who told me, "you got up there, you can get down". And walked inside. I slid down the fucking horses tail at 6 yrs old.

If you think my sweet grandma was harsh, you would piss yourself if grandpa ever spoke to you.

He talked to me about disemboweling people as a 6 yr old.


Jan 12, 2021
There is no harm reduction. Just theater to make you think there is. Democrats are just a front for the globalist communists who want to run this world with an iron fist.

If we don't find the courage to clean it all out, our children and grandchildren will be slaves if this age continues.
There is no way to "clean it all out" at the polls. I'll just leave it at that.


Dec 10, 2020
I lived in Wy for a bit. My dad bought a ranch out there and I worked it for a couple years. We went through some of the irrigation canal paperwork from the early 1900's. 6' wide 5' deep for miles.... dug with a shovel for less than a dollar/hour. It was shocking looking at some of those pay ledgers. Some dudes were making $25 for 60 hours of shovel work.... We have sooooo lost what we used to be.


Jul 24, 2022
That's just it. I'm not anything special, as it goes.

We raised 4 kids on one salary. It allowed my husband more freedom to advance in his career which benefits our family. My job is to support him and he sure as hell supports me (and I'm not talking money). We didn't even have a credit card until about 10 years ago.

I'm a strong, opinionated woman. I'm a wife (first and always) I'm a mother. And I LOVE being a girl. I've raised 3 women and one young man. My 2 oldest women are badass and loving their careers. My 3rd woman is a sophomore at Ol Miss. She's going to kill it. They WANT careers. And they want families. They'll find their way that is best for them. And never will I judge their choices. That's what they've learned. There is no right way to woman.

And don't think for a second my son hasn't learned that same lesson.

It CAN be done.
HYDR. I have two degrees from Ole Miss. Was just there two weeks ago.
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