Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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10 year olds getting pregnant from rape is happening all over the world suddenly. So very odd.
Problem is to get rid of fossil like they want America needs over 400 Nuclear power plants. Come on man that is cuckoo.
Back away from the Crack Pipe Boy and put your hands up.
They can move towards building more of them not the 400. OBIden & others before him have caved to the EnviroNazis just like the Germans are. You can have all (nukes, O&G, coal, wind, solar and hydrogen) and save the planet too. These morons won't do any of this.
If you are interested in the Ukraine Fiasco and the heavy defeats coming if the USA ever engages Russia or China. In a Peer to Peer War, something the US Military has not done and prevailed since WW2 and Japan. You might follow this guy's threads. It is hard truth and scary as hell when you consider the Moron Austin is in charge with all of the Obama bed pissers who Obama installed.
If you are interested in the Ukraine Fiasco and the heavy defeats coming if the USA ever engages Russia or China. In a Peer to Peer War, something the US Military has not done and prevailed since WW2 and Japan. You might follow this guy's threads. It is hard truth and scary as hell when you consider the Moron Austin is in charge with all of the Obama bed pissers who Obama installed.

A PS: NATO has been training Ukrainian troops for eight years and supplying them with weapons and ammo, the latest and greatest , plus NATO provides sat intelligence and drones plus billions in aide, Russia is fighting the best NATO can provide.

@RollyInRaleigh every time I click it I have to laugh. Reminds me of my cousin back in the 70's was working in the shipyards. The Yardbirds or shipbuilders had their own BAR a waterin hole almost on the yard. It was always full on Friday nights with very tough boys all red necks all drunk.
Some young local fool decided to strip and run through the bar bare ass naked one Friday night.
His plan might have worked but the Bar staff were near closing time and had chained the back door, his escape hatch.
He had to turn and run the gauntlet.
He went down fast and hard.
@RollyInRaleigh every time I click it I have to laugh. Reminds me of my cousin back in the 70's was working in the shipyards. The Yardbirds or shipbuilders had their own BAR a waterin hole almost on the yard. It was always full on Friday nights with very tough boys all red necks all drunk.
Some young local fool decided to strip and run through the bar bare ass naked one Friday night.
His plan might have worked but the Bar staff were near closing time and had chained the back door, his escape hatch.
He had to turn and run the gauntlet.
He went down fast and hard.
Talk about an “Oh Shit” moment….
The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.

The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories.

There were all the regular types of stuff: Spilled milk and pennies saved. But then the teacher realized, much to her dismay, that only Janie was left.

“Janie, do you have a story to share?”

“Yes, ma’am. My daddy told me a story about my Mommy.

“She was a Marine pilot in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a flask of whiskey, a pistol, and a survival knife. She drank the whiskey on the way down so the bottle wouldn’t break, and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of 20 Iraqi troops.

She shot 15 of them with the pistol, until she ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife, till the blade broke, and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands.”

”Good Heavens,” said the horrified teacher. “What did your Daddy tell you was the moral to this horrible story?”

“Don’t mess with Mommy when she’s been drinking.”
A person I spoke with the other day has a Tesla which he leases. He said he does that because he hears there will be new battery technology for Tesla's in 2 years. Smaller, longer lasting, faster charging and not using today's inefficient technology to use or produce.

I’m leasing my girlfriend right now because in a couple of years there will be younger thinner and hotter ones that don’t talk back and make awesome samiches …

Moral of story both are fantasies 🤣

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