True dat,...I could just bounce aye.
Where to though?


Guess I could go sort out those gutters for
-or perhaps even annoy the good people of Alaska with my stupid shit,

,...too bad there's no mysterious Alaskan Vikingr lurking round here who might have a battleaxe-like opinion on that.

What if Taupo busts it's nut? Will this trigger the rest of "Ring of Fire"?
Could the entire Pacific blow it's shit as one mass ultracano?

Could try futher away like Sweden? ...France? ...Iran or the gutted carcass of Rhodesia?
Might be interesting as a multimillionaire in Uganda pestering
@Martin,...or living in a straw hut amongst the impoverished slave population trapped in that Turkmenistan dictatorship anomaly?

Or, lol, fuckin Ukraine?


Is,...this shit for real?]


Is this accurate?, hope so, coz that is just awesome!]

Ya know, it could be quite an experience kickin' it in the mosh pit for a,...

,...once in a lifetime supercano gig blowing the North Island apart?

Fuck, if it's my time, so be it.

Truth is,..."imho",...just as this 'CuriousFiend' is merely a limited digital manifestation representative of some tiny amount of projected awareness via artificial means....
...So it is of the transient matter construct from which some tiny degree of awareness perceives external & internal capacities & potentials,...and unyielding curiosity to explore the limitations with these, of this individuated creation....
...Like right now it's seemingly articulating another internally arising OTT externalization that's projected via artificial means,...enabling some limited degree representative as this weird digital "CuriousFiend" manifestation.

Fuck knows, probably too blazed.