Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

EXCLUSIVE: Jill Biden dines at swanky LA restaurant with grandchildren Naomi and Beau Biden Jr. alongside Kate Hudson as ordinary Americans struggle to afford groceries and gas​

Biden and the Elite Trash will soon be saying to you and your family "Not Your Day To Eat" But guess what? Just like he keeps sending oil and gas to the EU, which increases US oil an gas prices. He will do the same with US Food. It will get shipped to the EU or some shit hole. But not for Americans.
Mark my words.
I don't see nearly as many Ukraine flags and other support for them as was prevalent a month or two ago. Appears many who believed the propaganda dished out initially have seen the truth. They'd be better off believe everything the OBiden crew tells them is bullshit and then do a mea culpa on those rare instances the OBiden's tell the truth.

they already got the 40 billion so that narrative is ancient history

on to the next scam
So, here I am in Delaware. (Good food, so that’s a plus). I’m staying out close to Rehoboth Beach. (Come on DE peeps. Tell me how to pronounce this).

Anyway, y’all should see all the LGB/FJB stuff. Exactly one barn has Biden hand painted on it and you can see where they’ve had to paint over *ahem* addendums and commentary. Multiple Trump signs/flags flying.

81 million my ass. They just forgot to shift the decimal. 8.1 million.

Delaware, y’all.

On a happy note, I got ducked today. And the duck squeaks. Max and I were dying laughing.

Me: why the hell is a duck on my door?

Max (excited and laughing): “Madge, you got ducked!!!”

Me: what is that?

Max: I can’t believe you don’t know this. You drive a Jeep. It’s a thing.


Max: really?

Me: it’s not a weird solicitation for the half blind in one eye scam?

Max: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

And now, I’m gonna be buying a bunch of rubber duckies and hope it makes as many people laugh as hard as we did when we figured out she squeaks. Gotta think of a name for her. She will be riding along as long as I have a Jeep.

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I’d rather see the FBI/DOJ gutted & filled with secret service, us Marshalls, jag officers, & former state AGs with clean records & real investigations take place
Never really thought I would say this but Dirty Cop Chris Wray is more corrupt than Robert Mueller and Jim Comey. His FBI is now a full-on enforcement thug for the Dems. Terrible, Sad, and Scary.
Never really thought I would say this but Dirty Cop Chris Wray is more corrupt than Robert Mueller and Jim Comey. His FBI is now a full-on enforcement thug for the Dems. Terrible, Sad, and Scary.
Who do you think his mentors/masters are?

That mealy mouthed bitch act is just that. An act. He’s doing exactly what he was groomed to do.

McCarthy is screaming (Joseph. Never to be confused with mealy mouth Kevin) TOLD YOU SO BITCHES!!!!!
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Who do you think his mentors/masters are?

That mealy mouthed bitch act is just that. An act. He’s doing exactly what he was groomed to do.

McCarthy is screaming TOLD YOU SO BITCHES!!!!!
I know who they were and it's a family, but at least they use some digression but this bastard is straight up in your face with all his raids and arrest of the right.

I know who they were and it's a family, but at least they use some digression but this bastard is straight up in your face with all his raids and arrest of the right.
They all are. No holding back now. I prefer this. At least people can see what’s happening.

You flat out had the president of our United States say on live tv that republicans (it’s not limited to pubs. It’s anybody who doesn’t fall in line) should be jailed…and it was politely laughed off as a joke…if it was mentioned at all.

Stalin is smiling.

We’re in a very dangerous place (have been for a while) And what happens here, changes the world. And what DOESN’T happen here will be much worse. I’m gonna keep praying we get this shit under control before it’s too far gone. I fear it already is. I can’t see how we put Pandora back in her airtight box without major strife and backlash. But I sure as hell hope and pray we can.
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Can you provide some cliffs on the subject ?
Sorry. How Empires end. Going back to the Romans. coming forward basically 4 stages. Pioneers, Conquerors, Wealth Creation, Knowledge Civilization Peaks. Then Decadence and decline our stage now. Always ends in debasement of the currency, low morals, crazy shit like we are experiencing.
They all are. No holding back now. I prefer this. At least people can see what’s happening.

You flat out had the president of our United States say on live tv that republicans (it’s not limited to pubs. It’s anybody who doesn’t fall in line) should be jailed…and it was politely laughed off as a joke…if it was mentioned at all.

Stalin is smiling.

We’re in a very dangerous place (have been for a while) And what happens here, changes the world. And what DOESN’T happen here will be much worse. I’m gonna keep praying we get this shit under control before it’s too far gone. I fear it already is. I can’t see how we put Pandora back in her airtight box without major strife and backlash. But I sure as hell hope and pray we can.
There should be no doubt, especially for the people who have and are following this thread and observing what our Government is doing that we are and have been quite some time living in almost complete tyranny.
Basically the rule of law at the Federal level doesn't exist, the Government is spying on anyone they please and are partnered with Big Tech and the media to censor any voices who disagree.
I could go on but y'all know it all and this is more than enough to amount to a tyrannical Government. We are here.
giphy (89).gif
There should be no doubt, especially for the people who have and are following this thread and observing what our Government is doing that we are and have been quite some time living in almost complete tyranny.
Basically the rule of law at the Federal level doesn't exist, the Government is spying on anyone they please and are partnered with Big Tech and the media to censor any voices who disagree.
I could go on but y'all know it all and this is more than enough to amount to a tyrannical Government. We are here.
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What would George Washington Have Done? Hmmmmmmm

The Old Maxim is very True in this case.
"The Kings Writ Extends Only As Far As His Muskets"
Contrary to what you read in the US media, Canadians are pretty much as well armed as Americans. They just do not have the same rules on handguns. They have millions of firearms in private hands just like Americans.
Even if Trudeau put all of the Canadian Military into the field against the Citizenry. The Canadian Military including, Canadian Air Force, Navy and Army is smaller than the NYPD in a country bigger than the USA. How do I know, well my family has been in North America since the Pilgrim Fathers and I have family all over USA and Canada.
Trudeau would get his ass whooped in a rebellion. Never mind the Americans that would jump in against him

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