Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
EL BBQ. I’m opening it tomorrow in Chattanooga. Little ways from Dallas but I thought I would drop the pic since he mentioned both bbq and Mexican. I own a couple bbq restaurants and wanted to do something a little different so I am giving MexiQue a go.
Elote w brisket is one of my favorites. Barria tacos are the bomb too!

Much success, Brotha!
In 1785 Thomas Jefferson wrote to his fifteen-year-old nephew, Peter Carr, regarding what he considered the best form of exercise: "... I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprize, and independance to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."

Do you notice how Republicans are the only ones “compromising” right now?

Any politician that supports a law preventing 18-year-olds from owning semi-automatic weapons must immediately answer why 18-year-olds would still be allowed to carry that same type of gun out to die for their stupid, senseless war games 5,000 miles away from here.

In Chicago:

A person is shot and killed every 14 hours

Y.T.D. 242 people have been fatally shot and 1,306 were shot & wounded

24 kids under 17 have been shot and killed this year

76% of victims were black

Chicago would be the safest city in America...if only gun laws worked.
can someone link a sharable/playable 2000 mules video please

ive shared my copy with various folk within the past week and they all tell me the vid has been blocked :(

I know the frustration, every version I've shared from Bitchute seems to be removed within a day.
There's constantly new versions being uploaded though, I just checked and found this one.

via bitslide

#I've shared two links of the same vid coz I still haven't figured out how to bloody well share a link here that you guys can then share from, hoping one of these does the trick.
If not, just type [2000 Mules] into Bitchute search and adjust parameters to most recent.
I know the frustration, every version I've shared from Bitchute seems to be removed within a day.
There's constantly new versions being uploaded though, I just checked and found this one.

via bitslide

#I've shared two links of the same vid coz I still haven't figured out how to bloody well share a link here that you guys can then share from, hoping one of these does the trick.
If not, just type [2000 Mules] into Bitchute search and adjust parameters to most recent.

22m illegal votes to barely oust Trump
Dems have no chance in the midterms so they're rounding up political expected from a communist regime
View attachment 109014
More good news out of Michigan today (sarcasm)

The guy who was shot had resisted arrest, fought the cop, and was trying to grab the officers taser when the officer shot him.
More good news out of Michigan today (sarcasm)

The guy who was shot had resisted arrest, fought the cop, and was trying to grab the officers taser when the officer shot him.
Sounds like the cop did what he had to do.

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