Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Sorta thinking ya'll are already well aware, but just in case, here's a screenshot.
#Venezuela fuel prices
View attachment 105367

Don’t think I would trade $.08 / gallon to live in Venezuela!

But that is a prime example of socialism and how it distorts markets. The state subsidizes gasoline to make it cheap and it leaves the rest of your country a shithole.


$1 per egg forecast price. USDA Raises Food Price Forecast
It feels like we are regressing technologically. Granted computers are improving but almost anything that has to built and engineered is worse than what we could do in the 40's to 80's. Tons of creative fuckers back then. Now creative is tik toks of changing clothes in the same position.

It’s by design. They don’t make as much money by offering products that last.
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