Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Ukrainian bio labs were repositories for the original Covid-19 strain. Metabiota is a San Francisco based company which specializes in detecting, tracking, and analyzing potential disease outbreaks. Metabiota was initially financed in part by the private equity investment firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP). RSTP was founded by co-owners Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz in 2009. In 2009 Metabiota signed an $18.4 million federal contract as a subcontractor for the company Black & Veatch. Black & Veatch was contracted for work in Ukraine at bio laboratories owned by Labyrinth Global Health Inc.

These documents show that the Department of Defense was funding the Ukrainian based bio lab, thru Black & Veatch, to do Covid-19 research in November of 2019. The first human cases of COVID-19 were identified in Wuhan, China in December of 2019. The World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a ”Public Health Emergency of International Concern” on January 30, 2020, and a world wide pandemic on March 11 2020.
Statement from the Labyrinth Global Health Inc. web site.

“Through our Ukraine office, Labyrinth leverages decade-long experience, deep network, and stakeholder relationships that build capacity and capability supporting health initiatives in Eastern Europe. Our experts are well versed in requirements for successful and seamless integration to address Clients’ mission objectives.”

Cool Right
This is also cool. I met this man in the Gift Shop selling his book. Last surviving worker on Mount Rushmore. I have his autographed copy. He had some good stories. I visited Rushmore 2x and Crazy Horse Monument once. Crazy Horse they let you take the van ride up to the backside of carving and walk out on the monument and stand right next to the monument and take pictures.
Bend to our demonic views and demands or we will starve your kids and steal your tax money. Biden Administration

Biden to withhold federal funds for schools that don’t allow boys to use girls' bathrooms​

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.

Under this new demand, establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas. Such organizations must also follow protocols such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.

Why don’t n the hell would you try to prescribe burn after spring in the middle of a record drought? Our burning season is typically January-April and we’re naturally wetter than anything in the SW.

1. What they are calling an approved prescribed burn was not approved.
2. Instead of letting ranchers put cattle on grasslands longer they are kicking them off and doing burns. Why not let them graze longer?
3. The calf canyon fire was supposedly set by them because fires smoldered in burn piles for like three months instead of embers from Hermits Peak. I don’t believe this.
4. Why can’t we implement a logging program along with burns?
Bend to our demonic views and demands or we will starve your kids and steal your tax money. Biden Administration

Biden to withhold federal funds for schools that don’t allow boys to use girls' bathrooms​

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.

Under this new demand, establishments that accept any federal food funding, including food stamps, must also allow males who claim to be female to access female private spaces, such as showers, bathrooms, and sleeping areas. Such organizations must also follow protocols such as requiring staff to use inaccurate pronouns to describe transgender people and allowing male staff to dress as women while on the job.



^^he's completely off his meds^^

No shit Larry
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