Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Absolutely. I don't know what has happened with training for these situations, we spent countless hours training for this. Our policy was rush in and stop the threat, no waiting for backup or anything. We signed up for that.
Yes. I just don’t get this at all. Fucking cowards should never have worn a badge. My very first night of field training (fresh out of the academy) I was in the parking lot of our district going over some things with my FTO (field training officer) right after roll call when a call came out on the radio for a signal 13 which meant officer needs immediate assistance. We hopped in the car and drove to all wild scene outside of Russian club. As we pull up shots ring out. We ran towards where we thought the shots originated. Taking cover but also at the same time trying to advance to where the shots came from. That’s what you do. Even as a green as all hell rookie on his first day in his first minutes on the job. Others run away from gunfire and out of harms way. Police run toward it.
Listening to Duran this morning... It sounds like Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering and retreating at an increased rate. Russia just took a town of 30,000 that had a militia with almost no fighting. All the Urkainian soldiers ran after an initial salvo.

Britain is apparently trying to get Ukraine to form a union with several baltic states and Britain. Boris is off the deep end on this.
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