Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Yea But We Just Beat Your Sweet Ass - Fucking Women's Tennis Baby! :LOL:

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OU Sucks!!!

BTW Your Coach and QB Are Living It Up In SoCal While Your Remaining Losers Eat Dirt & Dust

Fucking women’s tennis?! You got us man. Well, not in football.

And, how is your coach? Who is it this year? Strong?Herman? Mackovick? I can’t keep up.

Maybe monkey fucker will be the next head coach.
Still Believing


OK so shooter was trans. Gotta ask how much Grooming did he go through in public school, what kind of prescription meds did they have him on for his transition? The Groomers and the Prescribers of meds are accomplices at the very least and should all be charged for fucking this young mans mind.
Consider That For a Minute. What kind of a mind fucking experiment did he endure in Groomer school.
Now how many of these past students who turn mass school shooters had the GROOMER TREATMENT and the MEDS as well.
I do not really see a gun issue as much as a mind experiment head fuck issue along with prescription drugs probably

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