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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Deleted member 2886

King James Version Revelation 16:2 2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
Wow man, I was reading Revelation earlier and had been considering posting this too.
The correlation with current events is, imo, absolutely unmistakable.


Dec 2, 2020


Dec 2, 2020
FWIW talked to my SF agent, said it was misreported and has received minimal blowback thud far. Was surprised to hear when I said people had reporting online they canceled over it.

I told him I didn’t like the look of it, but cancelling would hurt him more then SF.
My son is a SF agent. He's been getting calls of concern and potential cancellations. He's trying to keep a steady keel. He explains that those values certainly are not in line with his, and that he's sorely disappointed to see the SF name associated with this stuff.
His view is that that shouldn't be SF's activity any more than going into schools and handing out Bibles should be, though that certainly IS in line with his values - just take care of distracted driving campaigns and keep me covered in case of homeowner, liability or auto claims...


Jan 8, 2021
Several people I know in the O&G business have said there are several oil fields that are self-replenishing.
They thought Permian was done and then found the “Wolfcamp” part and boom.

Oil comes from a process from the earth.

Hell, the gov admits it here -



Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
An e-mail sent to my US senator today...little thom tillis...


Imagine if you will, a once proud world SuperPower, now in debt to the tune of $30,418,457,583,843.00 sending 40 billion dollars to another country, but needing to have baby formula flown in to their own country because it has none...and it’s children are starving. Imagine that once proud Country with empty food shelves in grocery stores....just imagine that? Imagine a country that now has gas and grocery prices so high that it’s citizens struggle to get to a job that doesn’t pay enough to match the hyper inflation that they face to provide for their families...Imagine that? Imagine a country whose elected representatives put other nation’s safety, protection, and survival ahead of that of their own citizens? Imagine saying that a couple billion dollars was too much to spend to complete a border wall that would keep illegals from invading our country at record numbers and allowing illegal and fatal drugs that are killing our own citizens to flood in with them? Imagine that? Imagine politicians who are more interested in padding their own pockets with money laundering schemes than representing those who elected them? Can you imagine that?

I am appalled at your total lack of representing “We the People,” and allowing these things to take place...that’s the one thing that’s not so hard to “Imagine.”

View attachment 104223
He’s 1st rate do nothing, coke orgy, assclown.


Jan 8, 2021
Hate to see this happen to the fellow Georgians.
Looks like the states hoping to be reversed from 2020 will be rigged to protect the guilty.
Arizona's race will be interesting with Lake.

Georgia, not to rub salt in your (our) wound, you'll turn into California and new york at a rapid rate. It's already getting bad but you'll wake up and not realize where you are.

We should pray for Georgia before bed tonight.

Also. Paxton AG in Texas is up 30 pts currently. I'm predicting bush win when the dust settled. It will be rigged. I hope I'm wrong.
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