Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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It’s not just fish.

I spoke with an old pal who runs ones of the largest wholesale fuel suppliers in the NE/SE/Gulf Coast/Midwest…..he said there is no doubt that the “fuel crisis” that is coming was 100% self inflicted. Refiners are still producing at a high capacity utilization (means they are full steam ahead cracking crude) and the fuel isn’t making it to the main terminals in their footprint. Someone or something is redirecting the flow of refined products.
Jimmy Carter did this during the 1979 fuel crisis. His Energy Department believed they could determine best where to send fuel products than the oil companies. I was working for CBP during this faux crisis. The storage tanks were full of crude. There were massive numbers of fully laden oil tankers in the Gulf which had no dock to deliver their oil and no tanks to store it. Carter's Energy Dept created the crisis just like FJB's.
Jack Posobiec


For all the power of Davos, it’s actually a pretty dumpy conference. Town itself is 2-star at best. Totally phoned in from an events perspective. TPUSA Events 1000x better.

^^AOC/DiBlasio/Adams utopia

Brandon hiding out publicly that he's running for tel election, as though to convey that "hey guys m doing an okay job and I'm strong and smart enough to keep going" ...

While everybody rolls their eyes and pffft's at the notion

" they won't let him" is the general response

Well what if he was told how they were going to get him elected, and what if he knows where all the bones are buried ?

And what if he says " I'm running and don't try to stop me" ? Would be fun to watch
The Permanent War Economy Is Destroying America. Over 800 Bases and Installations Globally. In actual fact the greatest threat to the US National Security is a bloated Military budget. This has destroyed the dollar and in the end destroyed the American ability to Defend America. Yah its an ugly article. But the truth sometimes hurts. Most of the upper echelon in the Pentagon should be turfed, and we need term limits on all elected officials. Once they figure out how to steal tax dollars they never quit. Lobbying should be a CRIMINAL OFFENCE

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