Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Whitmer will magically open up Michigan on February 1st. Beetlejuice and Cuomo calling for in person schooling and opening their economies.

and lol at Amazon now offering their distribution centers for vaccine dissemination. Where the fuck were they two months ago??

I’m not a Q guy by any means, but if you don’t think there was a concerted effort to make Trump look bad despite the detriment to hard working Americans and small businesses, then you’re fucking blind.

from the beginning, the COVID bullshit has been weaponized by the left for the sole reason of removing Trump. And a lot of us were mocked for merely suggesting it. If a dem was up for re-election, COVID would have been a blip on the radar.
Here is his email for today doesn't sound very good but he still believes.

January 20, 2021 at 1:37:14 PM EST
Subject: Still not worried

Well, that was certainly not what any of us wanted to see. Regardless, I told you yesterday that even if we saw Pedo Joe get sworn in, I still don't believe he will be president even though by all appearances it looks that way. I certainly get it. The sources I trust haven't spoken yet, but this is a reminder that ALL of them said this was a possibility, but that it would make things more complicated.

This has made me go back to Juan O'Savin who said that this whole thing would be resolved by Sunday with Trump still being president. If what we have been told is true, and I have every reason to believe it is, then the US is really under military control right now. There are 65,000 troops in DC right now which is DOUBLE what it was a few days ago along with 5,000 deputized soldiers who can carry out arrests.

This was just posted and is a running tabulation of conversations a person had with a military insider. This insider anticipated this. The explanation he gave for the delay of action on our end is something I don't fully understand because he uses abbreviations without explanation. He says the gov't is "paying out bond holder equity" and references T4B. My interpretation is that this involves the dissolving of the US corporation and prepping for NESARA. The constant message throughout the thread is behind the scenes events take place between now and Sunday. The person says that Charlie Ward is right that CIA HQ in Langley was raided by the Marines with a ton of info removed and taken proving more guilt.

Seems like we are already flooded in proof. I cannot stress this enough. Every single trusted source said this was possible. Charlie Ward said this is pantomime and he had no idea when events would take place be it before or after being sworn in. He has never said the inauguration wouldn't take place but said if it did, it would be theater and meaningless. Robert Steele was completely unconcerned about what he called "an illegal pedophile president being sworn in by a pedophile criminal justice after an illegal election". He spoke with Juan O'Savin a day ago, and I am going to go back and review that interview. Simon Parkes said he thought they would act before the inauguration but fully acknowledged they might not. Mike Adams posted this after a phone call he had with Lin Wood, Lindell, and several other people deep inside the Trump camp, and what he said is interesting.

He said they kept referencing God and good things always come from that source while not saying there would be any events to stop the inauguration, but basically saying great things are coming soon. Trump has yet to concede or even use the name Biden when talking about the next administration. I told you all I was totally UNSHAKEABLE in my faith of how events are going to turn out. That has not changed. When I look at all the events leading up until now, it makes absolutely NO logical sense to think the plan has been completely scrapped. None at all. There are only two scenarios which would have changed everything. The deep state got to Trump, told him that if he went away quietly, they would spare him and his family. I cannot see that, and Trump would be foolish to trust anything these thoroughly evil people say. The other possibility is the military just refused to carry out the plan at the last minute. I don't think that is what happened, but that is 100% my opinion, and I am going to wait to see posts from people I trust who are no doubt having discussions with their inside sources right now in order to give us some comforting news. Remember, the Major general said in an interview yesterday that they transitioned to military power. I believe that is true which means that Pedo Joe could issue commands, but he would have zero control over anything controlled by the military. I know this is an emotional roller coaster, and I know that by all appearances it looks like it's game over, but even now, there isn't a nervous bone in my body. I am NOT trying to convince you I am right and things will turn out as I see them. I am providing you my analysis based on watching events, hearing reports, seeing maneuvers and then making emotionless conclusions based on those factors. YOU are welcome to disagree and emotionally prepare for what is to come if everything I say is wrong. All I can say is I am still going to have faith because of all the maneuvers leading up until today between the EO's, the changing the military structure, putting the gov't on Defcon 2 yesterday, the incredible military maneuvers, the EO's issued years ago, the memo we saw in Lindell's hands days ago, and the faith I have in Lin Wood, general Flynn, Miller, Ezra Cohen Watnik, and the plan that has been in the works for 15 YEARS now.

You still have to ask why are there 65,000 troops in DC with 5,000 having the power to make arrests. I truly believe the reason they have that many troops there right now is to make sure NO ONE leaves DC. NO ONE. I will keep posting, and I would understand if you stop believing, but I haven't and I won't unless nothing has happened by Monday. That is my personal deadline. If you think YOU are disappointed, I would dare say no one has spent more time and put more faith into this than me. It's time for faith and time to don God's armor. Simon Parkes just posted this. He hasn't wavered, and neither have I. What can I say? Maybe I am stubborn, but for the long term readers, when have I been wrong in my predictions based on my analysis? Just a few side notes. I am frankly uninterested in any other events right now. So my updates will be EXCLUSIVELY related to this topic until we get resolution. I also have NO INTEREST in posting what Pedo Joe has said he will do or has done on the surface. It will be totally demoralizing, and in my mind, NONE of it will matter or stick so I will not demoralize anyone with it. I agree with Simon. Now we wait. I am waiting to hear what they are being told, and waiting to see events unfold.
Screw it. I already feel like an ass for believing so what’s a few more days? I’m in.

^^^^^^^^^^^^ So Flynn did signal done in 30 on 12.31 and here are two relevant Q posts. If someone is looking to smoke the last bowl of hopium then here it is. 1.20 - 1.30 could be 10 days of darkenss depending on what happens tomorrow if anything.

So flynn done in 30 12.31
10 days of darkness starts today
shot hear around the world tomorrow
1.31 - Trump sets them free

I am passing the hopium around
I thought of this post today. There’s just too many coincidences with the Q deltas. I mean an anon asking Q to have trump say “tiptop” and then the next day or so he says it off the cuff at a White House Easter event? I don’t see that word being in his regularly vocabulary. All the deltas between Q posts and Trump tweets? There’s just too much coincidence. And the last two weeks Trump hasn’t seemed like himself, it’s not in his nature to go out quietly and he knows he was robbed of this election. We know it was robbed and it angers us all, imagine how he must feel. I’ll give it the thirty days that Flynn seems to be asking for. We’ll see.

I am with you I am holding on until 1.31.21. None of this makes sense which I have discussed before. If this was the deep states plan why

Did they allow Hillary to lose
let Trump create a revolution - potential resistance
why not just allow Hillary in and squash us all before many became so aware

For those that are coming in here saying we need to self reflect because we are unhappy with our lives go fvck your mothers butthole. The Q movement does not call for action it calls for information. None of this makes any sense at all. Trump knew of the cheating years ago, he posted about in 2013. He knew that would be the biggest issue in 2020. "They never thought she would lose". Ok so if the military stepped in 2016 why not step in again in 2020. I have truly learned to trust my gut and my gut says this is not over. I will admit that for this to not be over the evidence will have to be incredibly overwhelming because the military could be confused on how to handle all of this unless alll branches understand what is going on. Q said we we are watching a movie! Flynn asked for 30 days so lets see how the movies ends. Sometimes the bad guys win, sometimes the good guys win. I also go back to all the troops in DC. The facts are Trump put those troops there. I know they were trying to create a narrative that Trump supporters are terrorists but I have a feeling they are there for something else.
With all the talk of Trumps failures in hiring, he blew the doors off Biden. Maybe Reagan level blowout. What he didn’t do is head the cheating off in advance. Stop ballots being wheeled into counting stations, shut down communications to dominion hot spots, etc all of which could have been accomplished.

This talk of a biblical trap was a bluff. Or a con.
Just finished Dinesh D'souza's book, The United States of Socialism. He made a good point about how we need to fight back. Essentially, we have to decouple ourselves from the Tech lords and begin building our own platforms (social media, streaming, media companies, academia, etc.) This site is a great example of what he was referring to. Look what has happened with a little dough, foresight, and a dedicated following. Additionally, I think we need to continue shining the light upward. Forget about the shakers and movers in Washington. Let's continue to focus on the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Soros, etc. To destroy an empire, you have to kill the King. I could give 2 shits about Nancy Pelosi...but I do care about who is giving her orders - and who is giving that person orders.
We should follow the money.

It will lead to all the answers we could ever want.
Agreed I’m not going anywhere. Time to regroup. Today was a tough day. We lost an epic battle but the war is not over and the war is not lost

I don’t get this. I’ve seen this posted a ton. The Dems literally stole the election and nothing happened. We watched Biden get inaugurated as the 46th president today. They control all 3 branches of government, the media and social media. Outside of a civil war I don’t see how anything changes.
We are talking about doing what pubs always do when we lose. Get up go to work then come home and type on message boards or whatever displaying our anger over the election. We may do it in all caps. That won’t change shit. The will rig elections unless something changes there. Why would it change? They will continue to spread their tentacles further and further.

I am going to focus on God, my family, work and my golf game. We are just pawns in their game. We are fucked and my kids are really fucked.
a lady my wife works with is pretty far left. She's African American and has two grown sons, whom all see things through the same political lense. One of her sons lives in Charlotte took his wife to get their conceal carry permits this past weekend. In their circles, the message they are running with is they are all going to hang. They are petrified and are all buying guns.

The lies and fear mongering that are going on in the left inner circles are similar to what's been transpiring on the right side of things. It got me thinking about Q and some of the common things we'd see/hear. "Think Mirror. Left is Right".

Ask yourself Who is behind the machines that divide us?

Even though she's far left and believes the lies she's been fed, i still love her and pray for discernment.

isn't it amazing how far the divide has gotten. Our side knows our democracy is on its last breathe and the other side thinks they are going to hang. It's a crazy world we're living in folks.
Navy 2010-2018 now reserves since 2018. USS Frank Cable AS-40, NAS Lemoore, USS Rafael Peralta DDG-115.
Also just did a streamline Refinance on my va loan now at 1.75% for 30 years fixed if you would like to take advantage of this let me know and I will send you the mortgage guys info.
Thank everyone for their service I pray that America repents and is saved.
I don’t get this. I’ve seen this posted a ton. The Dems literally stole the election and nothing happened. We watched Biden get inaugurated as the 46th president today. They control all 3 branches of government, the media and social media. Outside of a civil war I don’t see how anything changes.
We are talking about doing what pubs always do when we lose. Get up go to work then come home and type on message boards or whatever displaying our anger over the election. We may do it in all caps. That won’t change shit. The will rig elections unless something changes there. Why would it change? They will continue to spread their tentacles further and further.

I am going to focus on God, my family, work and my golf game. We are just pawns in their game. We are fucked and my kids are really fucked.
The deep state stole the selection my friend. I believe a ton of Republicans were involved with the Democrats as well as foreign countries. Follow the money. In my opinion the New World order controls the deep state and the deep state controls the puppet politicians whether they be Republican or Democrat.

I’m pretty sure we have had many fraudulent elections. But none that were broadcast on TV and social media like this last one in real time. The deep state got very desperate and had to pull out everything to overthrow Donald Trump. Everything. But yes you should focus on your family in my opinion and God and God’s plan. And may God bless you sir
one of the basic points thats interesting about the East Front is the Germans and Soviets had very different definitions of battles. Main difference is the Soviets took a much broader view while the Germans tended to view battles separately or in isolation. Stalingrad was no different. In the chart you provide August 23 is listed as the start date of the battle which has pretty much become the commonly accepted date. But for a long time the Germans used September 13 which was when 6. Armee entered Stalingrad while August 23 was when the Germans began to attack east from the the Don River Bend towards the Volga River. However the Soviets claimed the Germans had taken 600,000 casualties and got to that number by including the 1. Panzerarmee and 17. Armee of Army Group A which was attacking towards the Caucus Mountains while the Germans only counted the 6. Armee and 4. Panzerarmee of Army Group B and later the forces of Army Group Don which put German losses at 400,000. So over time the Soviet timeline and German geographic terms of the battle have become accepted.
So I'm pretty much a world war 2 noob, however, I am very interested in strategy in general.

It's always been amazing to me how Germany mounted up so hard and so fast and hit things so hard. To me, it seems like they started off with a huge psychological advantage, but made critical mistakes not adapting it. It's like their initial planning was impeccable, but didn't have contingency plans when things evolved.
Everyone keeps saying keep up the fight.....hold the line....blah blah blah.....HOW are we supposed to fight? Are we supposed to be like antifa and go disrupt a bunch of shit? Are we supposed to just live our lives and let the freedoms we’ve enjoyed be taken away? Are we supposed to all run for Congress now? HOOWWW are we supposed to fight?
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