Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Hope you're all good mate.
Um, by "undo it stuff", do ya mean WD-40, & CRC type stuff?

Just personally, I use CRC to clean off everything from sticky hash fingers to grease, oil, insect trap goo, and tree sap, etc.
(FYI: it ain't healthy for the skin though, use sparingly.)

Probably already tried it by now, but if not use a rag and soak a bit in WD or CRC.

Just had another idea,...I wonder if perhaps rubbing a bunch of some sorta powder(talc, flour, other) into the gunk might enable ya to mash it into a ball which could possibly then be removed?
(#Mind you, I've never tried it myself, but it kinda seems plausible.)

Good luck👍
Thanks for the suggestions--everyone. I have gotten almost all of it removed and the cortisone took care of the rash.
Why women smarter than men? This is one dumb ass. Endangering his Johnson.
When I was teaching Apprentices. I had a little rhyme that helped cut down on hand injuries in the Machine Shop and doing Heavy Rigging. "Never Put Your Pinkey Where You Would Not Put Your Dinkey" H&S would not put it up on posters on the bulletin boards ha ha ha
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