Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Sick Bastard alert.

A dude with pigtails? Shocked I tell you I am shocked

Need suggestions:

I've been wearing a heart monitor for the past 2 weeks. I removed it today to send to the people who analyze the data. It was against the skin underneath a "sticky" patch.

The shit that was on the patch is difficult to remove. The removal stuff they sent didn't work. Nor did alcohol, soap/water, acetone or anything else I tried. Have not resorted to gasoline or any of the "undo it" stuff. Plus it left a huge patch of red irritated skin which I've put cortisone ointment on. Next up will be Dawn detergent.

Any other "serious" suggestions from others who have dealt with this?
In my opinion (twisted to the right), I feel like all of these investigations get squashed because the truth would be intolerable to the masses. Same with the J6 fiasco. Same with the 2020 election. Too deep of a dive into the corrupt nature of our government, and people wouldn't be able to handle how corrupt and how deep that rabbit hole goes. This current state of government, media, etc. feels like a fucking movie. I honestly feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes at the shit we are told by the press secretary, Biden, and the media. It's so far from rational thought, that I get a headache. Rant over. God bless. comes out this time. Good will triumph
You shouldn't be scared of preposterous labels meant to stifle your speech and conquer your people

International jewry isn't a fantasy of the delusional

It's one of the basic tenets of human history

Zionism and communism are but 2 wings of the same diabolical, degenerate, doomed plane

You should jump off with the parachute of your heritage and it's magnus opus.....Jesus Christ

We need to call them ultra-Groomers or ultra-FAGA.

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