Dammit, now I have to give up soccer. I need a moment.... Ok I'm good!
Carl always reminded me of the kid that was always picked last and went home crying to Mama if he didn’t get his 4th place medalI don’t know...it might just be me but I’m a little more interested in seeing these talking head purveyors of media misinformation like Cornball Carl Cameron put behind bars for the rest of their lives...maybe that’s why they are suggesting this shit...they know what’s coming for their lying asses.
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Kingsley Wilson on GETTR : House Republicans who voted in favor of this $40,000,000,000 aid package for Ukraine: Rep. Elise Stefanik Rep. Steve Scalise ...
House Republicans who voted in favor of this $40,000,000,000 aid package for Ukraine: Rep. Elise Stefanik Rep. Steve Scalise Rep. Kevin McCarthy Rep. Dan Crenshawgettr.com
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I knew Elsie was getting swampy, time to move on from her
Rub gently with olive oil. Let it st. It will slowly loosen the sticky stuff.Need suggestions:
I've been wearing a heart monitor for the past 2 weeks. I removed it today to send to the people who analyze the data. It was against the skin underneath a "sticky" patch.
The shit that was on the patch is difficult to remove. The removal stuff they sent didn't work. Nor did alcohol, soap/water, acetone or anything else I tried. Have not resorted to gasoline or any of the "undo it" stuff. Plus it left a huge patch of red irritated skin which I've put cortisone ointment on. Next up will be Dawn detergent.
Any other "serious" suggestions from others who have dealt with this?