Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
All the Trump betrayal talk is a little much. Obviously his big mistake was not shutting down the Q shit from the beginning before it morphed into what it is today. But the truth is real life is incredibly simple and any time you lose sight of that and start wishing and hoping instead you've already lost. Like all humans he failed plenty, but Trump attempted to work for our country for the first time in most of our lifetimes. It wasn't all successful but he showed we don't have to accept the bullshit and we can turn around systems to work for us once again. Q was nothing more than a laser pointer to distract a large portion of Americans to sit back and watch a movie instead of actively making change themselves. It was the same way in Obama's run of Hope and Change and the left sat back and reveled in feelings while conservatives got to work. Instead of waiting for The Plan every conservative in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Penn should've prepared for what was happening after 2018, but we did nothing while fat Stacy and company had their way with the rulebooks.

TLDR: keep your wits about you and get involved locally. Less sharing memes digital soldier BS and more action
Why would Trump shut down Q? Hell, he was following along thinking there was a military operation underway that he couldn’t know about.
Used to redirect to Joe Biden’s site so now that he’s in the White House might as well reroute to their web page. Question is will they cowtow to these leftist nut jobs or try to continue the facade of being moderate.

If they don’t appease the leftists the riots will eventually start again, since it is all they know how to do
Bump for anyone that has experience!
Hi, long time tMB lurker, and licensed ham operator here. I might be able to fill you in some.

First of all, do you have a license? You have to have a license to transmit on the ham bands. However, you don't have to have a license to own a radio or listen. Access to the bands grows as you upgrade in license classification.

Second, what are you looking to do? Ham radio has several different frequency bands that have different characteristics. UHF/VHF bands, like the Baofeng mentioned above utilize, are generally short range/local communications. On the other hand, the HF bands can get you across the country, and around the world when conditions are favorable.

You should be able to pick up a good older HF rig on ebay in your price range. Dual band UHF/VHF (2 meters/70 cm) routinely run within your price range. I'll also add, there are digital modes like DMR and D-STAR that use the internet to facilitate communications that you can get into for well under $500.

Hope this helps.

If nothing else people need to stay connected and share info to prepare.

Some are hurting because they're truly just waking up and it's going to be difficult these first couple of months but for those of us who saw this coming since before Trump I'm cautiously optimistic.

A lot of people's fuck it level are maxed out now. There is strength in numbers. Form your groups, prepare, pray, organize for the future, enjoy what you can for as long as you can.
Agreed I’m not going anywhere. Time to regroup. Today was a tough day. We lost an epic battle but the war is not over and the war is not lost
Thanks for starting this thread. Know your enemy is key. Who in the media is your friend? No matter how hot she is, she is a shill for money and viewers. I don’t trust anyone to “tell” me what is going to happen. We will make it happen. Keep your head down, ears and eyes open, and be ready. What is ready? Ready is making things happen locally when asked...don’t throw away the flyer asking for help, or funds of a person you know can make a difference. To many skeletons in my closet, but not unwilling to help the next guy is where I am at.
Thanks for starting this thread. Know your enemy is key. Who in the media is your friend? No matter how hot she is, she is a shill for money and viewers. I don’t trust anyone to “tell” me what is going to happen. We will make it happen. Keep your head down, ears and eyes open, and be ready. What is ready? Ready is making things happen locally when asked...don’t throw away the flyer asking for help, or funds of a person you know can make a difference. To many skeletons in my closet, but not unwilling to help the next guy is where I am at.

You make a great point regarding the media. You need to scrutinize the information they share instead of just watching.
The media protects the Democrats and corrupt, but who protects the media?
In my opinion, that is the starting point in all of this. The Establishment media needs to be exposed and dismantled. An honest stream of information is necessary to awaken the sheep in this country. How?
Agreed I’m not going anywhere. Time to regroup. Today was a tough day. We lost an epic battle but the war is not over and the war is not lost
Broken men are beaten men.

Now isn't the time to focus on all the wrong. Fight like hell, enjoy your your family, friends, and fur children.

It will be easy to back away from the fight moving forward but stay involved here at crootn if nothing else. Prepare stock piles for yourself and your children. Consider a bug out location so you can buy yourselves a couple more months with friends and family if it happens during our life times.
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If the side on the left would just be somewhat happy and not so damn angry all the time trying to convince everyone that we are living in the worse country on the planet I would take that at this point. 2020 was so toxic that it seemed to split neighbors and even families with different political beliefs. Everyone was being played.
A good portion of those people's lives are ruined from that event. Honestly Trump's incompetence screwed this country and he did it for 4 years.

His hiring and pettiness on twitter have basically screwed the republic and anyone who followed him.

I don't think we will see Trump supporters in fema camps, but I could easily see people being deplatformed, debanked and basically ostracized from the ability to make a living. Which is also terrifying for most.
Be honest with yourself. You and I both know you knew something was wrong with our republic long before 45.

It's easy to point the finger. It's much more difficult to fight on.
Last time I checked the liberals were the biggest champions of police (see capitol police) and national guard on earth when it fit their purpose. They'll have tremendous funding and support going forward. Garbage.
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