Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I just have such a hard time believing Trump went out like such a little bitch. Declassify Hillary's e-mails, JFK files, 911 files, fast and furious, anything really. Pardon Snowden or Assange. At least do something to go out with your middle fingers in the air.
This. I’m questioning everything right now. I always assumed “we have it all” included the crimes against humanity. How do you just walk away from that without exposing everything? I would die if necessary to expose that kind of information
Great to see you over here. I've been trying to recruit Velo1 and bamaman1977 so we maybe we can start a new Viet Nam thread. They're considering it and I'll mention that you're here now. I love your knowledge and analysis.

Man please do. I've been reading a lot on SOG lately and Velo is strong fast that there wasn't a security leak in Saigon. I've read multiple stories about LZs being compromised after Saigon HQ was notified about them pre landing, NVA cutting into comms and listing every person on the team and their objective, etc. So many questions for you guys and I learn something new every time one of you posts.

Not trying to hi-jack this thread, just wanted to offer my support for a nam thread and that I'll be blowing it up if one is started.
I'm happy to join a new beginning.

I join this new beginning with my eyes wide open. For most of my adult life, I had my head buried in my own selfishness. I voted, but never with true conviction. The past four years was my own great awakening. I see the world through a much different lens. Our elected officials, our government agencies, our media complex and our elections. Things I took for granted, are so obviously corrupted.

I look forward to some honest discourse moving forward.

God Bless America.
Everyone needs to tighten up their security. If we want to continue to communicate in private we need to start using encrypted email. im going to buy a cheap laptop and install linux. never use my phone or iPad. VPNs. Use an internet phone number, etc. Basically I’m going to compartmentalize all my communication. All user names need to be different.

im not the best at this shit but I’m hoping someone can do a “how to manual” to get everyone started.

until I know what the environment looks like I’m going to be paranoid and deliberate.
I would legit be interested in how people set this up. Post away if you’re currently or will be doing something similar.
Biden will institute a 100 day mask policy...then all of a sudden Corona will be gone. He will get credit because he instituted this. And Trump will get blamed because he didn't do it. That's how this works, right?
Masks won’t work and since the science says it will work, he’ll try and institute a lockdown nationwide. No one will do this, the press won’t report on his impotence, or use this as he’s losing his mind and need to invoke 25th. Either way your correct all of the sudden Corona will be gone and not reported on.
I'm happy to join a new beginning.

I join this new beginning with my eyes wide open. For most of my adult life, I had my head buried in my own selfishness. I voted, but never with true conviction. The past four years was my own great awakening. I see the world through a much different lens. Our elected officials, our government agencies, our media complex and our elections. Things I took for granted, are so obviously corrupted.

I look forward to some honest discourse moving forward.

God Bless America.


I have always tried to be principled in an unprincipled body politic. Its very apparent the media both traditional and social is all in with the socialist. So is big business and academia. Also count the Republican establishment in with them as they are looking at two things and that is how to they either manipulate us or get rid of us.

Now bitching is not going to save us but coming up with the essence of what we believe and do going forward.

Think of what your issue that is dear to your heart and how that represents conservatism to the core -?-
I can't help but feel for the half million or so people who disrupted their lives for Trump's 1/6 rally, where he promised to expose everything, and they burn time and $$$ to go watch him make essentially the same speech he did during the campaign.
yeah it was a terrible speech in consideration of all his other speeches. We had some good times over the 4 years but it does bother me that he marched everyone into DC believing their was a plan to expose it all only to just walk away from that point on.
All the Trump betrayal talk is a little much. Obviously his big mistake was not shutting down the Q shit from the beginning before it morphed into what it is today. But the truth is real life is incredibly simple and any time you lose sight of that and start wishing and hoping instead you've already lost. Like all humans he failed plenty, but Trump attempted to work for our country for the first time in most of our lifetimes. It wasn't all successful but he showed we don't have to accept the bullshit and we can turn around systems to work for us once again. Q was nothing more than a laser pointer to distract a large portion of Americans to sit back and watch a movie instead of actively making change themselves. It was the same way in Obama's run of Hope and Change and the left sat back and reveled in feelings while conservatives got to work. Instead of waiting for The Plan every conservative in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Penn should've prepared for what was happening after 2018, but we did nothing while fat Stacy and company had their way with the rulebooks.

TLDR: keep your wits about you and get involved locally. Less sharing memes digital soldier BS and more action
We have 2000 people on this forum already. We need to have an arm of this movement get organized enough and put out our own candidates. Start somewhere small in a local election to learn what we are doing, and then we should be able to scale. I’ve tried to encourage some to get organized. I just don’t have the time right now.

Maybe a local or state election in Texas would be good.
We are doing this locally. Check out Bernie Kerik has been a big supporter and has met with us several times.

I love you guys truly and wish so bad we could all meet up. You guys have been a true family. I get up and feel like we are all chilling drinking coffee talking. What a unique cool experience, that I cherish. Im not a gay, but I do love a lot. Shit I shared my prize possession with you.

Sol Long my friends
Where ya going. There is work to be done.
What do you think of the German movie Stalingrad? I have seen it a couple time and enjoyed it. I read Enemy at the Gates last year and enjoyed that, although the part about the German sniper makes me roll my eyes.
I will join in. I agree about Fox and the rest of the DC Republicans. They are going to attack like hell on small things that Biden will do. Raise taxes, spend, etc. All stuff that they will rally around to try and get us back. I have been a registered Libertarian for years, but may change parties to R just to vote in primaries and get those fake Rs out of office.

Here's to tomorrow. Just keep getting up and going to work for now.
Just heard Rush say there is a new news network being created, ‘straight arrow news,’ there is a huge market for an alternative right now. Newsmax and OAN are good, wonder if Trump News will hit the market soon.

The next angle of attack will be to get the cable news distributors to not offer these stations on their plans. Silence us online, in the news, on tv, in movies. Submit to their radical ideology or be destroyed.

Only thing I know for sure is I’m done with the Republican Party, no longer voting straight R, and my local reps better show that they’re honest and true Patriots and not establishment shills who have zero back bone and won’t push for the things we care about.
Where ya going. There is work to be done.

If nothing else people need to stay connected and share info to prepare.

Some are hurting because they're truly just waking up and it's going to be difficult these first couple of months but for those of us who saw this coming since before Trump I'm cautiously optimistic.

A lot of people's fuck it level are maxed out now. There is strength in numbers. Form your groups, prepare, pray, organize for the future, enjoy what you can for as long as you can.
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