Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
For you big investor's NFT artwork of Madonna's Vagina. Oh My.

Stereotyping is a characteristic of a simple mind. A simple mind is an un-evolved brain. Our brains have evolved from reptilians. We still have part of that lizard brain. Brain stem and cerebellum. This lizard brain protected the reptiles survival by quickly reacting and building learned experiences. It is the source of all our emotions, fight or flight, and other survival skills. One of the survival skills is recognizing threats based on past experience. If you were chased by a dog, you gained a fear of dogs. That part of the brain will make you fear cops if you had a bad experience with a cop in the past. Or a priest, doctor, Asian, old, cat, woman, man, white, croc wearer, French, etc. However, the more advanced part of our brain realizes that everyone is an individual. I think the 80/20 rule works here. Maybe 20% of all groups are bad.

Also the French suck ass.
I suppose I am am unwitting stereotyper and you are the much more enviable conscious stereotyper

International jewry = Moses Hess, marx, hegel, hertzl, zionist Congress leaders, bolshevik leaders, marcuse and the Frankfort school, rothschilds and the progenitors of the international financial system, mass media moguls, among others

Was the synagogue of Satan a deritivative of reptilian brain?

How about Solzenhitysan's Jewish Question? Silly simple minded Alexander

Jesus Christ? What a simpleton

Martin Luther, the Jews and their Lies...

When JFK said, "we are opposed around the world by a ruthless, monolithic conspiracy..." was he referring to the Presbyterians, the Amish, maybe the Aborigines

Gk Chesterton...

Winston Churchill

To be sure the New world order has henchman of all stripes but a particular kind seems to stick out as more influential

jew is an imprecise term to be sure

Maybe you have a better handle on who they is?
While we are humble bragging on our kids my 6’9 oldest son was named All State the other day. He was a semi finalist for Mr. basketball in PA but did not get it. He signed early with VMI. His girlfriend is 6’4 and going to Northwestern to play basketball. Is it wrong that I hope they stay together and procreate? I want those grandkids someday 😂😂😂.

My youngest is finishing up his sophomore year and is 6’11. He plays aau in the EYBL. He just committed to going to a pretty prestigious boarding prep school for the next two seasons. So we are going to be empty-nesters two years earlier than we anticipated. Mixed emotions on that but it’s not about us. It’s about him and his development. It’s the best thing for him. So that is exciting.
While we are humble bragging on our kids my 6’9 oldest son was named All State the other day. He was a semi finalist for Mr. basketball in PA but did not get it. He signed early with VMI. His girlfriend is 6’4 and going to Northwestern to play basketball. Is it wrong that I hope they stay together and procreate? I want those grandkids someday 😂😂😂.

My youngest is finishing up his sophomore year and is 6’11. He plays aau in the EYBL. He just committed to going to a pretty prestigious boarding prep school for the next two seasons. So we are going to be empty-nesters two years earlier than we anticipated. Mixed emotions on that but it’s not about us. It’s about him and his development. It’s the best thing for him. So that is exciting.

Congrats to you and your family. That’s really awesome. How tall are you and your wife, if you don’t mind me asking.



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