Stereotyping is a characteristic of a simple mind. A simple mind is an un-evolved brain. Our brains have evolved from reptilians. We still have part of that lizard brain. Brain stem and cerebellum. This lizard brain protected the reptiles survival by quickly reacting and building learned experiences. It is the source of all our emotions, fight or flight, and other survival skills. One of the survival skills is recognizing threats based on past experience. If you were chased by a dog, you gained a fear of dogs. That part of the brain will make you fear cops if you had a bad experience with a cop in the past. Or a priest, doctor, Asian, old, cat, woman, man, white, croc wearer, French, etc. However, the more advanced part of our brain realizes that everyone is an individual. I think the 80/20 rule works here. Maybe 20% of all groups are bad.
Also the French suck ass.