Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
The way this the end of an investigation you have gathered the evidence and know what the people are going to say. You then ask to talk to them right before you drop indictments to see if they want to take a deal. Guess they don't want to be killed by Clinton or go to pound you in the ass prison just yet so they clammed up.

We are getting closer. One of the last interviews (if it hasn't happened already) will be the Clintons.
Oh man, I hope you're right!
Setting The Stage For Tragedy

You get some pulls from shitbive never seen. Thanks. I must be bant wherever you're at. Ahhhhh you tube.(it just populated the text and the reply)Yup bant.

Sorry yall I have til 8 or so to dig and post. I'll try to be funny if possible. The whole mask mandate getting thrown out but the regime wants to make shots compulsory is a fucking joke. Looks like yall pretty caught up though.
I'll still work. Miss hanging out. Just been steeling since I was 5.
I like this pre-search engine i found not long ago. It is decntralized so it hides your identity (in theory). It also has quick links to other search engines like google and bing in case you don't find what you want right away but i think it tries to mask who you are from them.

Well this steer/queer sees very few masks and I live here. Was OP's remark based on walking through an airport? Ain't nobody but political diehards wearing masks at this point.

Keep hating. We love it.
Yes it was an airport based remark. Obviously a lot of people from other states. I was just surprised. Outside of the airport I’d say 15-20% wearing in Dallas
I’m not hating on TX at all. I always love going down there and seeing family and friends. Shot guns, rode atv’s, got to watch my nephew get a game winning rbi on his last home game and see a lot of friends that I haven’t seen in years bc of covid
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Well first of all Biden ain't man enough to be a Mother Fucker, he is a PEDO. Number 2 the cost of the size and scope of Government at all 3 levels now cost the tax payer more than the necessities of life. Is it a coincidence that since Pres. Johnson began the welfare programs called the Great Society, that the USA has spent over 16Trillion on these reparations?

“I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years. [Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan]”​

― Lyndon B. Johnson

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