Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Well this has got me fully erect
The way this the end of an investigation you have gathered the evidence and know what the people are going to say. You then ask to talk to them right before you drop indictments to see if they want to take a deal. Guess they don't want to be killed by Clinton or go to pound you in the ass prison just yet so they clammed up.

We are getting closer. One of the last interviews (if it hasn't happened already) will be the Clintons.

Well this has got me fully erect

Announcing the imminent death of DuckDuckGo​

DuckDuckGo Announces Purge of Independent Media – “Only MSM Allowed”

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg has announced that the search engine will begin purging all independent media outlets from the platform and will replace them with “trusted” mainstream media outlets instead.
So what's the next best option to use?

Edit: Now that I've caught up more, it appears that this was fake news. Will be monitoring though.
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The way this the end of an investigation you have gathered the evidence and know what the people are going to say. You then ask to talk to them right before you drop indictments to see if they want to take a deal. Guess they don't want to be killed by Clinton or go to pound you in the ass prison just yet so they clammed up.

We are getting closer. One of the last interviews (if it hasn't happened already) will be the Clintons.

Speculation or Have You Spoken With Your "Friend" Lately?

Durham is handing out immunity and Clinton campaign and others pleading 5th

I’m assuming the immunity handed is to the #2 “researcher” who worked under Joffe. From recent filings it appears he’s been cooperating.
Just found out about that torture. Still my all time favorite is scaphism.
Had to look that up. Kind of like Apache methods, staked out over an ant hill.

PS the Oubliette for Hillary would be the ultimate torture. Because she would be able to hear what is going on, but nobody would be able to hear her. She could never have an audience again. I read one or some of these Forgotten rooms were constructed so kitchen smells and conversation was carried into the cell. But they could never converse or be heard when the prisoner tried to talk or scream. Some of the Lords had their servants dump their chamber pot down on them as well, and scraps of food dumped on the floor in the filth.
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No, front to back is the ‘only’ way. Also, use half a roll each wipe. Don’t know about this sitting down, reach behind method either. I gotta stand to reach around. Also, the reach behind, between the cheeks is opening oneself up to tainted wrist and arm hairs if it gets messy. Think this is a psyop to mess with our minds.
Wet wipes for a final pass?
So what's the next best option to use?

I like this pre-search engine i found not long ago. It is decntralized so it hides your identity (in theory). It also has quick links to other search engines like google and bing in case you don't find what you want right away but i think it tries to mask who you are from them.


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