Probably not Pompeo.
Yes.Does anyone else thing it’s weird that Biden flew in on a personal plane today, instead of the one he was offered by the govt? Isn’t there some exec order or some law against using transition money when you know it’s fraud? I would assume flying on a govt plane would be a part of the transition budget.But maybe I’m reaching.
Misleading as fuck. It was in reference to the Chicago man threatening violence at the swearing in.As much as I want this to be true......could be his son is in custody? I didn’t hear them say Joe....that part was cut off?
do we know who owns the plane that clueless Joe flew on? If it was private I’m sure it could be something to do with past or future favorsYes.
Isnt this 3 years old? I don't see this on Pompeo's telegram eitherDon’t you Fn dare!!
This. The pressure must occur at the state legislature level.Get to your state legislatures and put teeth in election fraud and oversight. That will help a ton to secure future election fraud prevention. Some of these close to purple states are not remotely close to anything other than red.
But you also have to primary all Rinos.
I ha e to bc I don’t think I can go with out my dogs. Much love to you all and the board is Fn wonderful.Hey guys we've got a new donation link on our site. We already closed down the GoFundMe so users can no longer get the Founder tag anymore. Those of you that already donated and have the tag we really appreciate your help and if you would like to continue donating you can still do so and we have plans to show our appreciation for those who do. You can find the link to donate at the top of the site and also here
Thanks again to all of you that have helped get this moving and we have some big things in the works for you all!
Amazon recently bought a large share of the company that owns the we know who owns the plane that clueless Joe flew on? If it was private I’m sure it could be something to do with past or future favors![]()
That was just after covid probably about 6 months ago maybe. It doesn’t have to be right now bc that was Yuge. I watched it live. It meant somethingNo. Looks like it’s 3 years old (according to someone responding on Twitter)
Hunter got off the plane with Pedo Joe this afternoon.As much as I want this to be true......could be his son is in custody? I didn’t hear them say Joe....that part was cut off?
LOL. You're right, I'll be at the Pride of Parramore tomorrow. We'll see how it goes!
O it was around covid time. Shoot maybe I just saw it then. Him reposting it tho is the telling partCorrect it’s 3 years old. He just reposted is all.
What was the plane's name? Any other details of the last flight? Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! It was a lot of fun to build. It’s pretty cathartic.Wow great job on your first build
Isnt this 3 years old? I don't see this on Pompeo's telegram either
Love you brother!.. I’m struggling with shaking your hand or HornyMortgage’s first in VegasCorrect, it is weird, bizarre, and Hopefully we find out tomorrow that this private plane is just like the other 100+ bizarre things going on right now -
and hopefully we find out -
these are NOT mere Coincidence's, let's hope that is the result tomorrow,
I do Not believe in coincidences, and never will again.
Let's hope after tomorrow most of the nation does not either.
Cheers.Toasting 45 and all of you patriots! Thankful for 4 amazing years and this place we call home!
God bless the USA
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Happy Birthday brother. SKOL!Toasting 45 and all of you patriots! Thankful for 4 amazing years and this place we call home!
God bless the USA
View attachment 2886
Haha yep. The problem with the 4x4’s is they are Douglas fir and they had some bowing and twisting so I had to plane them to get ‘em straight enough to work well.4x4s. That fucker ain't falling apart or collapsing when you pass out on it like Matt Foley.
Sounds like Mitch committed quid pro quo. Isn’t that impeachable? I fkn hate these deep state entrenched motherfuckers.The latest impeachment sham is blackmail to prevent Trump from pardoning Assange.
Lettuce see what BDD does.
Good fucking eye brotherThe flags behind the president today during his speech have gold fringes.
Wartime flags.
For me Jordan and Tiger are 1 & 2. I’m 42 btw.
This ain’t over by a long shot partner.Good fucking eye brother
Dossier author Christopher Steele admitted to the FBI he leaked the Russia collusion story during the height of the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton overcome her lingering email scandal and because he believed Donald Trump’s election would be bad for U.S. relations with his home country of Britain, according to documents declassified by the president in his final full day in office.
The FBI report of agents’ interview with Steele in September 2017, nearly a year after he had been terminated as an informant, provided explosive information about his motives in working simultaneously for the FBI and the opposition research firm for Clinton’s campaign. The document was obtained by Just the News and at times reads like a confessional from the now-infamous former MI6 agent and author of the anti-Trump dossier.
Steele told agents that then-FBI Director James Comey’s decision to re-open the Clinton email investigation in fall 2016 became his tipping point for leaking the anti-Trump collusion research that his company Orbis Intelligence had gathered and given to the FBI.
“STEELE explained that as the election season went on, they as a company were riding two horses -- their client and the FBI -- and after FBI Director James Comey's reopening of the Hillary Clinton investigation, they had to pick one horse and chose the business client relationship over the relationship with the FBI,” the interview report stated.
“They followed what their client wanted, and they spoke to the press,” the report noted.
“STEELE and BURROWS described President TRUMP as their ‘main opponent’ and indicated that they were fearful about how Trump’s presidency negatively impacted the historical US-US alliance and the US-UK special relationship,” the memo stated.
The most explosive revelation about the sub-source in the newly declassified documents was that former Trump National Security Council Russia expert Fiona Hill, an impeachment witness in 2019 against Trump, had introduced Steele to his sub-source in 2011, well after he FBI had opened up its probe on the source.
Sounds like Mitch committed quid pro quo. Isn’t that impeachable? I fkn hate these deep state entrenched motherfuckers.
They’ve been that way. I will be excited when he stands in front of flags without fringe.The flags behind the president today during his speech have gold fringes.
Wartime flags.
Pretty sure we have a couple of people itt that tracked down the Vegas shooter's plane info and all the interesting little we know who owns the plane that clueless Joe flew on? If it was private I’m sure it could be something to do with past or future favors![]()
Honestly it sucks, because I fucking hate the guy, but it’s Lebum for my generation. I’m 22