Biden owns a bank? And it was his ban I fucking hate everythingThis amuse person, account has to be bs, nothing can be this bad from the other side.
"Well son of a bitch".Isn’t that a clear cut case of extortion?
I really liked this a lot
hmmm ...... early tomorrow morning, anything else in there with damaging info,
Caught up. I dont want to be the ostracized tin foil hat guy that digs a bunker, grows his own food, and stockpiles weapons for the coming apocalypse... but here I am.
If they can rig elections, then we cant vote out the corrupt politicians. The corrupt politicians appoint and hire their own corrupt cronies into the bureaucracy and judiciary. MsM wont report it cause they're in on it. Social media censors it. If you try to shed light on it, you are doxxed, cancelled, and lose your job. You try recourse thru the courts and you go bankrupt wading through the corrupt judiciary.
Hate to think that "nothing can stop what's coming " refers to the destruction of my beloved country.
Thank you to the LAC, for giving me hope... knowing there are others out there that have their eyes opened... helps tremendously.
Dont take this wrong, I'm still holding the line.
I for one welcome our new military overlords... fingers crossed
Who is that? All that is illegal. I know it doesn’t matter. I hope jC doesn’t make it to much longerWow. Just wow.
EXCLUSIVE: I've Been BANNED From Owning A Firearm, A Warning Of What's To Come For All Conservative Americans
For years, Big Tech has used me as Patient Zero in their test case in mass de-platforming by eliminating my ability to reach the public because of my political views. Being forced to use alternative social media sites, I know I’ve been a little “offline” since I ran for Congress in
perhaps off target but mother’s brother on the right...he was killed in 1944 on a B-17 bombing mission to Stuttgart, Germany...he was the bombadier...he had trained Clark Gable earlier.....however much you train Clark Gable...
the crew my uncle was with when he was killed..the navigator was also killed...when the pilot died in 2005 he had his ashes spread over the B-17 crash site...
Wow, sack up Patriots. The movie ain’t over. This is the climax, and some of y’all got your heads under the covers.
This is what we’ve all been waiting on. It’s plain as day this has been the plan all along. Why wait till the last 12 hrs to declass? Because it was the plan. Why is the NG in DC? The plan. Why is Biden hiding from the troops? The plan. Why wasn’t trump impeached? The plan. Why is the media calling us all domestic terrorist? Because the damn plan is working so perfect, that they know nothing can stop what’s coming. Trump and Q have always been 5 steps ahead.
I see Patriots referring to Qdrops that fit exactly what’s happening right now and it’s met with doubt. look at the moves trumps made and still making, and ask yourself “why” if it isn’t part of the plan.
It’s going to be biblical. Ring a bell?
Does anyone else thing it’s weird that Biden flew in on a personal plane today, instead of the one he was offered by the govt? Isn’t there some exec order or some law against using transition money when you know it’s fraud? I would assume flying on a govt plane would be a part of the transition budget.But maybe I’m reaching.
Well you gotta know that the small players are hearing it from both sides. “If you release this you’ll be a hero”. “If you release this we’ll execute you”. The small players aren’t really the focus here it’s the major players that will move this. Those guys made a decision to be all in from day one. Only takes but one disobeyed order in the chain that may bring it all down.This is part of the problem. If the judge is going to order docs to be unsealed, just do it already.
This has the makings of some last minute handshake deal that stops this from happening.
I've drank with Royce and it put me on my back..24:45. I spent a week drinking with Alger one night
Good lord....
thats fake as fvcccccccccccccckkkkkk
Get to your state legislatures and put teeth in election fraud and oversight. That will help a ton to secure future election fraud prevention. Some of these close to purple states are not remotely close to anything other than red.No it's not.. Bc the liberals that leave are only going to go down to the southern states and keep them blue. 1980 is probably a solid blue within the next 5-10 years, and FL is likely going to be under siege as well from the left.
Set your default search to DDG.I downloaded DDG , but it still gives a Google search bar to search for things..did I do it wrong or?
Sorry no. It’s not happening. We have to find a different way. Please find a different way. A plan where you aren’t waiting. A plan where you are active and engaged in your community.Wow, sack up Patriots. The movie ain’t over. This is the climax, and some of y’all got your heads under the covers.
This is what we’ve all been waiting on. It’s plain as day this has been the plan all along. Why wait till the last 12 hrs to declass? Because it was the plan. Why is the NG in DC? The plan. Why is Biden hiding from the troops? The plan. Why wasn’t trump impeached? The plan. Why is the media calling us all domestic terrorist? Because the damn plan is working so perfect, that they know nothing can stop what’s coming. Trump and Q have always been 5 steps ahead.
I see Patriots referring to Qdrops that fit exactly what’s happening right now and it’s met with doubt. look at the moves trumps made and still making, and ask yourself “why” if it isn’t part of the plan.
It’s going to be biblical. Ring a bell?
I mean, why shouldn’t he? He’s 75 years old. He’s not going to run in 2024, he will be pushing 80! What’s he got to lose?The latest impeachment sham is blackmail to prevent Trump from pardoning Assange.
Lettuce see what BDD does.
Is that Earle Bruce in your avatar?so far I’m really liking the way the board has been set-up. Mods have done a good job of separating forums {MB, LAC, and NSFW} for relevant subjects. On tMB I mainly did anniversary threads, to avoid repetition, but for here I made this thread for a more general discussion of military history and specifically WWII. I think with the board just getting started having one broader thread should suffice. But of I course I might or any other poster for that matter could start a new thread.
Stalingrad is as good a place as any to begin a discussion of WWII. On this day in 1943 the battle was entering its final phase. The Soviet offensive had pushed the Germans back to the outskirts of Stalingrad and the last link to the outside, Gumrak Air Field, would fall on January 23. Most German troops had already accepted their fate as many had begun to retreat without orders into the ruins of Stalingrad which would provide the final shelter for 6. Armee. As the fighting returned to the old stomping grounds of the Fall of 1942 German troops found themselves on familiar grounds but this time with their backs to the Volga. On January 26 the Soviets reached the Volga splitting 6. Armee into two major pockets and hastening the end. Gen. Paulus requested permission to surrender from Hitler but Hitler insisted the 6. Armee fight to the end as a point of German honor. By that point the condition of 6. Armee was deplorable practically all supply from the air, which was entirely insufficient to begin had ceased, German wounded were no longer even being provided the slightest medical care, ammunition was running out, and the troops were nearing complete starvation.
On January 30 Gen. Paulus was promoted to Field Marshall with the reminder from Hitler that no German Field Marshall had ever surrendered. The message to Paulus was clear. But the next day the southern pocket entirely collapsed when the Soviets reached the HQ for Paulus in a collapsed department store. While Paulus would infuriate Hitler by surrendering he refused to order the northern pocket under Gen. Strecker to lay down their arms. But all the same the situations was hopeless and February 2 the last major German force would surrender ending the bloodiest battle in history. The German Army would never fully recover from the loss of 6. Armee.
Impeachment threat plus a promise to hound his family for 2 more generationsI mean, why shouldn’t he? He’s 75 years old. He’s not going to run in 2024, he will be pushing 80! What’s he got to lose?
Check your settings. You may have Google set as your default search engine.I downloaded DDG , but it still gives a Google search bar to search for things..did I do it wrong or?