Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I played a nice little fade for most of my golf life but I started playing a little draw for the past 4-5 years. I’ve found it gives me more roll.( It sucks playing with my 24 year old son now...he hits it way past me) The thing I’ve found with the draw is that I really have to be careful and stay within myself as a little “extra” is disastrous. My irons are still solid but I’ve lost a little distance...I’d like to have that back.
I played a draw for a very long time off the tee for the purpose of more distance. It got to the point that I had to stop competing because I couldn't keep the ball on the course. I changed everything to a fade and I have been trying to improve on that for the last couple years. I have become a great driver of the golf ball because of it. I have also picked up yardage from where I originally started when hitting the fade. I still draw my irons mostly though.
Pretty much everything - fake news, ukraine corruption, puppet govt, media lies, globalist propaganda, nazi history of ukraine, deep state, named the whistleblower as a non whistleblower, worked for Schiff, traitor, Vindman traitor. She did about as thorough a rundown in just under 10 min as I've ever seen.

Can someone provide a shareable link not on the Telegram platform?
For everyone that watched the Houston OIS video—

The officers responded the best they could. We are not trained in combat like soldiers. They did the best they could. The struck him several times and took him into custody. We have a totally different rules of engagement than military. We have to take shots at a known target, and cannot fire for cover, like the military. I though they did the best they could with what they had, as far as the law and case law are concerned. 3 injured, bad guy in custody— we call that a FUCKING WIN!

Because we went home, and he went to JAIL!
Well said! Hopefully the courts and DA don't just let him go and ruin that solid police work.
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McCain showed how dirty he was the minute he was elected to office in 1982. That's when he went on the take from Charles Keating. I suppose when that dried up he turned to Ukraine which was a corruption cesspool.
McCain a lifelong scumbag, Lizard Chainey another bottom feeder of the Republicans, Romney, the Bushes many leftwing greasy assholes. The Republicans need a good house cleaning. Most of this could be fixed with term limits on Senators and Congressmen.
After the shit she went through a few years back, she has ZFG of what facts she’s now presenting to the world.

Her calling out Kirby, who just happened for the only time, called her like 20 minutes before she was abducted to ask her what she thought was going on in Egypt, because obviously they didn't know or wanted to shut her up. Did he give her up to the attackers, she says so. John Kirby, POS
Would be real hard for me not to make the same decision.
I like to believe in god but it’s stuff like that that really make me question a lot of things. So unbelievable that it happens, but it does 😢
You’re conflating God with man’s evil. God is real. Man has free will and chooses to invite demons in. And destruction is what happens.

It’s like the homeless situation. God has given us resources to support the entire world population. But, man’s greed allows others to suffer.
I am fascinated by Egyptian history and have studied it for a long time. (just as a free time thing) I have yet to believe any explanation completely for how the pyramids were built. There are some plausible theories that the Egyptians could have done it, but nothing concrete in my mind.
I'm convinced Egyptians did not build the pyramids. The fact that there are pyramids all over the world is strange. Jimmy from Bright Insight on youtube puts up good videos. He also thinks he's found a potential location for Atlantis, although Randall Carlson disagrees.

I am fascinated by Egyptian history and have studied it for a long time. (just as a free time thing) I have yet to believe any explanation completely for how the pyramids were built. There are some plausible theories that the Egyptians could have done it, but nothing concrete in my mind.
Many of the objects are made of granite, the second hardest material on earth, natural material. The Egyptians by their own admissions had copper and bronze tools. Copper and bronze can not cut and shape granite. Just not possible. Even heat treated steel struggles.
I managed a machine shop, and did blacksmithing. The tool has to be harder than what it is cutting.
I'm convinced Egyptians did not build the pyramids. The fact that there are pyramids all over the world is strange. Jimmy from Bright Insight on youtube puts up good videos. He also thinks he's found a potential location for Atlantis, although Randall Carlson disagrees.

Yah cool, fun thing to investigate some of these alleged myths. I have watched and read Randall Carlson's things as well.
Lately I have come to believe that we have had many civilizations of varying sophistication over possibly hundreds of thousands of years. Why?
Well read articles by a retired archeologist who published a lot of work after he retired. He found animal bones in the LeBrea Tar pits that had tool marks on them dated independently by 3 different labs at around 200M years.

Most of science is really not very impartial as we know. He knew if he published before he retired they would ruin him.

As to the Pyramids etc. I find it very curious that pyramids arose all over the world at about the same time.
But what really fascinates me. Since we can now use DNA samples. The original creators of the Chinese Dynasties, The original Pharaohs, the original Incans all the old mummies of these cultures and the east coast Indians of NA all have quite a bit of the same DNA, the old ones had Red or Blonde hair and white skin. And this was wide spread.
I think we have had many cataclysms, and ice ages or pole shifts etc.
I think we have been lied to a lot. Maybe my ideas are wrong but regardless i see no reason o accept their bullshit either. They are known liars.
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