Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Ukraine is the distraction on purpose. No Durham, no stolen election, nothing about vax death, and not even Covid can change the new narrative. Nothing else matters and they seem to have even distracted some on the FSF. It is scary how easily they shift minds and narratives. They easily pass in and out of your consciousness leaving a new pile of shit for you to obsess over. I just laugh! SKOL!
100% correct. Countries all over deal with oppression and atrocities daily. But our government and media dictate to us which ones we are supposed to care about.
Thank you, Justin Don, for the original post

2021 Fertilizer vs. 2022 Fertilizer
2021 Energy vs. 2022 Energy.

All time high NH3 & UAN28.

When your food at the grocery store continues to climb… don’t think farmers and ranchers are getting rich with climbing commodity prices. Farm and ranch input prices are at all time highs and the margin just keeps getting squeezed. Pray for rain and good yields!

Real life. Facts. #inflation
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