Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I have American Family and I have Canadian Family. If you have read Canadian History at all, they are fairly quiet. But when they do go to war they seldom if every back up. Especially the old stock, read about "The Blue Puttees" of the WW1. The Royal Newfoundland Regiment. It was said by the end of the day out of 1700-1800 men who took the field uphill into German machine gun fire across open ground only about 70 men answered roll call. Under brain dead British Officers. One of the reason's it was rumored that the Canadians shot more British Officers than the German's. Anyway when you are retired you have time to read old history and such.
Kudos for your response. My blood is on high. I’m willing to support law enforcement, but shit goes both ways. I’m to the end of watching good people get fucked for following the rules and trying to make a life. The more I hear its my job I’m enraged. Let’s figure out a solution. What should I do?
We all have to remember, that not all cops are bad and not even close to a majority are bad. Support the good ones and hold the bad ones to account.
We all have to remember, that not all cops are bad and not even close to a majority are bad. Support the good ones and hold the bad ones to account.
Agreed. So when do they stand up against their Goddamn corrupt bosses and start arresting them instead of beating down innocent people. You’re a fvcking thug unless you’re arresting the criminals.
Irish Funeral
A man leaving a convenience store with his morning coffee noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery.

A black hearse was followed by a second black hearse about 20 Feet behind the first one.

Behind the second hearse was a solitary man walking a dog on a leash.

Behind him a short distance, were about 200 men walking in single file.

The man couldn’t stand the curiosity. He respectfully approached the man walking the dog and said:

“I am so sorry for your loss, and this may be a bad time to disturb you, but I’ve never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?”

“My wife’s.”

”What happened to her?”

“She yelled at me and my dog attacked and killed her.” He inquired further, “But who is in the second hearse?”

The man answered, “My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife when the dog turned on her as well.”

A very poignant and touching moment of brotherhood and silence passed between the two men.
“Can I borrow the dog?”

The man replied, “You will have to get in line.”
Hey Nape, how close are you to Western Springs? My nephew is a rookie cop there.
25 minutes. One of the best butcher shops in the Western Burbs is there…Casey’s Meats. They have one here in Nape as well but that is the OG. WS is top notch. Very affluent and low crime, unless you get the West Side gangs coming there. They are only 15-20 minutes from a real bad area.
Where the fuck are the good cops stopping the bad cops? I know we have some people around here who get real pissy if we say ANYTHING negative about cops but these are most of the videos we see. I expect to see some good LEOs stopping these thugs. It’s getting real hard to support LEOs just because they are LEOs. I for one do NOT back ALL the blue.
I will never support SS-style police regardless of country. Those who do are no better than Nazi sympathizers. LEO'S are under attack and need our support, but the backlash against those who choose the side of evil under the excuse of "just following orders" deserve no mercy. Judge them by their actions, and not their occupation. But don't turn a blind eye to evil and the assault on freedom.


Nothing on Canada on the front page, same as and MSNBC

Edit-as a follow up, nothing on NBC or ABC news---CBS reports 100 arrested, nothing about the killing of an elderly disabled indigenous person, which normally all these networks would have as their wheelhouse

Oh, it leads on Foxnews. Truly two America's
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25 minutes. One of the best butcher shops in the Western Burbs is there…Casey’s Meats. They have one here in Nape as well but that is the OG. WS is top notch. Very affluent and low crime, unless you get the West Side gangs coming there. They are only 15-20 minutes from a real bad area.
Yeah, my sis was relieved he got hired there. He did his training and got his academy ticket from Palos, but he got this offer before they had an opening for him. Damn proud of him. Already has received a commendation for performing CPR on a dude that was having a heart attack. Helped save his life. Worry about him over there. Have a great weekend
What Canadian Politicians and those Canadians who are incessantly whining about loud and raucous Freedom deserve now, is a National Total General Strike of all Truckers and Workers. Until Premiers and the Moron Trudeau and NDP Listen To Their Masters The People. Walk Off. Same here in the USA. If they won't listen to peaceful citizens protesting then Take This Job and Shove It. WALK OFF.

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