I cant stop watching this train wreck in Ottowa. Its as real as the news gets. SKOL!
I cant stop watching this train wreck in Ottowa. Its as real as the news gets. SKOL!
He won by a landslide in the primary, then got more votes for senate than any candidate from any state in any election in history.We have 5 more years of him. Can’t believe we re-elected him.
Outdoor Limited has decent pricesWhere are y’all buying yalls ammo from now? I used to buy from Lucky Gunner… is there a better place? Cheaper?
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States interior in January, court records reveal.
The figure, exclusively reported by Bill Melugin at Fox News, unveiled the extent to which the Biden administration is releasing and transporting border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior.
According to the court records, DHS released 62,573 border crossers and illegal aliens into the U.S. interior in January, alone — a foreign population more than twice the size of Princeton, New Jersey; nearly twice the size of Lexington, Massachusetts; and more than six times the size of Jackson, Wyoming.
Trudeau's Cossacks Ride Down The Peasants. Make Him Famous
He Wants Civil War
Hillary Clinton is seriously mulling a run in 2024. There’s simply no other way to interpret her speech at Thursday’s New York state Democratic Party Convention.
Make no mistake: Hillary’s fighting for what she sees as her birthright, her fate, one she will not be denied.
We’re all going to have to go through this again.
Vladimir Putin’s endgame of destabilizing Washington got a boost from Hillary Clinton and Obama-administration intel officials, who peddled a Trump collusion narrative practically scripted by the Kremlin.
Think I’m kidding?
Hillary cast a wide net in this ostensibly state-centered speech, hitting on everything from Russia and China to the Jan. 6 riot, voting rights, reproductive rights, labor unions, child tax credits, paid family leave, health care and — dog whistle to moderate and establishment Dems — “culture war nonsense,” a k a woketivism.
It was vintage Hillary Clinton, lacking in nuance, subtext or humility. Her easily decoded message: Biden’s old, confused and weak. Kamala’s a non-starter. Far-lefties like Bernie and Warren aren’t wanted. Who else ya got?
Hillary, after all, loves to cast herself as the only sane adult in the room.
She fails to realize: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
FifyMost communist takeovers start with "it is to keep you safe" type BS from governments. What happens after that public campaign usually ends up in populaces losing their lives at an alarming rate. Then governments start seizing bank accounts of people who do not share the exact same ideology.......
I can. The country is filled with fuckin idiots.We have 5 more years of him. Can’t believe we re-elected him.
Eat my ass Rubio!
They are saying the old lady, Roberta Paulson, who was trampled by the horse has passed away at the hospital. Now Trudeau can paint his face in her blood.
Trudeau's Cossacks Ride Down The Peasants. Make Him Famous
He Wants Civil War
Importing mercenaries.
I know they’re innocent animals but just shoot the horses, bigger targets and if they fall those jack booted thugs likely end up with broken legs.