Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Premier Ford of the Largest Province in Canada.
We Are Done With This. Ends Mandates and Passports etc.
Trudeau looking very weak and Isolated.
Chief of Police of Ottawa Resigned Last Night Due To Trudeau Meddling In Police Business.

It's the liberal way. At the onset they were told Passports and mandates were wrong and unworkable. Still, as is the liberal M.O., they implement a program that was DOA simply because they believed they can make it work. How many trillions did these boondoggles cost?
All these lefties are on the same mission, to destroy America. Its all out there in the open and if there is no plan there will be violence. There may be some anyway. People are at the end of their frayed ropes. The LAC has the truth but the average mouth breather is having to navigate all this blindly. So if you choose to bury your head in the sand that is on you. Truth and reality are not hard to find but you do have to search. Most are too stupid and comfortable to even care. JMHO. SKOL!
I frequently wonder when the day is going to come that an influential person on the right side of the political spectrum says "F it" and starts to play really dirty. Something that would make Jan. 6 look like a kindergarten field trip (in my opinion it is being incredibly overblown anyway). I'm talking about something like my sig line. Sadly, that could be the beginning of the end of the rule of law and chaos will take over. My feeling is that it is going to take significant bloodshed of Americans to either bring us together or it will be the start of tearing us apart. I am NOT a proponent of a civil war. Let me get that out there. It won't be like the North vs. the South, it will be neighbor vs neighbor. It'll look more like The Living Dead than the movies Glory or Gettysburg. I'm concerned these leftist politicians will continue to F us over until someone decides they've had enough. By then, it will be too late. Boo hooing about violent right-wing extremists will fall on deaf ears, people will be like "F it" and it will be on like Donkey Kong. That will be a very sad day in America, but I don't think it is out of the question right now. I'm trying to get my house and family ready for that day.

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