Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Can anyone explain to me like I’m 5 years old who Simon Parkes is and why he appears to be given so much credibility. I’ve been in since Vegas thread but only recently started hearing his name?
nom de jour

Over the years starting with the Vegas thread names have popped up and the know all/ be all
.....would be curious who OP thinks would lend “credibility” in this circus of a media we have.....John Solomon seems to be a one-trick pony on Russiagate, same with Catherine Herridge, think Sara Carter too, all come and gone in my book....anyone that reports this stuff like Simon does would get run out of this country, so what if they give the intel to a British guy to report that has ZFG....
This. Everybody I know started sending me his shit about 2-3 weeks ago. They went from clueless fvcks to hanging on to everything that guy says like it’s gospel
They send me his shit because they know I try to stay informed and they want my opinion. Then I tell them the dude is a hack and they don’t listen
People are holding onto whatever hope they can bc they can’t imagine a world where these evil, cheating fvcks win.
Part 4
They did this at huge personal expense. Twitter and FB have lost $51 BILLION since banning Trump. They will not recover that. O'Keefe is taunting Jack Dorsey saying he has whistleblowers calling him day and night ready to expose everything about Twitter. That's good to hear, but to date, NOTHING has been done despite two Congressional testimonies and evidence everywhere. Anyone expect anything different until we replace most of Congress? A republican from OK apologized to blacks in Tulsa for questioning the election. How dumb and compliant is this guy going to look in a week?

On the other hand, TX is looking into take measures to secede. Misc items. Yet again, as they feel secure Trump is gone, all of a sudden liberal tyrants want to end CV-19. Lori Lightfoot in Chicago said they have to open bars and restaurants "as soon as possible". Why? What happened that wasn't true six months ago? Oh yeah, Trump. A new study showed lockdowns are ten TIMES more detrimental to health and public good than CV-19. 23 have died in Norway from vaccines, and they are about to roll out the second dose of vaccines in which the reactions will be more severe, and continue for months post vaccination.

If you recall, the protections on rental property due to lockdowns expired January 1st, and now there is $1.1 billion of unpaid rent in NYC alone. People can't work there, so are they going to evict people with no jobs in the middle of January in NY? Another reason for Trump to act sooner than later. People are genuinely suffering needlessly. A story came out today saying Bill Eugenicist Gates is the biggest farmland owner in the US. Technically not true. It's the US gov't by a WIDE margin followed by China. He is the single biggest individual. What is he going to do with the land? Shut down production to starve off the world and bring his goal of pop'l control into place? NJ seized ALL assets of the gym owner who has publicly defied the tyrants in control. There is NO legal justification for this, and this to me is a true criminal act on the part of the gov't.

Furthermore, there has been NO viral spread despite being open. Instead of looking at that and encouraging others to do the same, they attack for the audacity of doing what we are legally allowed to do despite the dictate of a power hungry governor. China is making people scan a gov't tracking app in order to be able to enter their homes. Coming to the US if Pedo Joe ever took office. The NFL is in free fall, and is already going to cut the salaries of the woke players next year, and it will get worse. Amazon is selling an anatomically correct GIRL sex doll, but Trump is the problem, right? That segues to the pedophile stuff. It is more gruesome than you can imagine, and that isn't an exaggeration. Most of you have minds that cannot even grasp the thought of what these people actually do to the captured kids. Charlie Ward says he knows two top level HWood celebs who told him they were at Epstein Island when they sacrificed and ate a child. There are a total of a dozen pedophile islands in the Caribbean.

Robert Steele has the greatest documented coverage of this topic and devoted a segment to it yesterday. He said Benedict Roberts, Pence, Trudeau, Bush and most leaders are pedophiles. He said almost the ENTIRE US court system is involved which seems very likely given how we saw them behave during this election. He said Israel is the "center of the Earth" for child trafficking, body part sales, adrenochrome production and child cannibalism. Steve McKay made a separate comment in his video insisting Hillarnazi was executed because she posed an immediate and serious threat to the well being of kids. Remember what I said happened at XMas? Melania posting the tweet "The Evergreen was hung" then deleted it hours later? Evergreen is Hillarnazi's secret service code name. Some more misc items. Charlie Ward was asked what would happen in the UK as things are exposed in the USA. He said 95% of their gov't will also be arrested. He also made another interesting comment addressing some of the people in Trump's admin who were suspect at best. He said that was necessary because if he has people that were 100% loyal to him, the deep state traitors wouldn't talk to anyone in his admin and wouldn't confide some of their evil plans. He also said that WAY back when before he was president,

Trump once told everyone he trusted that he went bankrupt and lost everything to test the loyalty of the people he knew. He said that is what is going on right now with the impeachment and taking this up until the last minute. He also added that NESARA/GESARA was supposed to be implemented by Kennedy in 1963 which is why he was killed, and then again on 9/11/2001, and we all know what they did to stop it then. Steve McKay makes side comments as if everyone already knows these things that are truly jaw dropping. He mentioned off handedly that Flynn got another star making him a four star general. He said that the Fuhrer (Obama) embedded energy weapons into the walls of the White House. A secret service agent detected one, shoved Trump out of the room as it went off, and he died of a heart attack four hours later. I have read that there have been nearly two DOZEN attempts on Trump's life, the latest being earlier this week. Knowing this, and knowing they put his family at risk as well, do you REALLY think Trump walks away and accepts this? No chance in hell.

Every day going forward increases the likelihood of action so be prepared with as much popcorn as your home can hold. Images: punishment, media, no comms, wrong answer, again, imagine, coup, symbol, priorities, AOC, permapeach, doing it for us, forever, Fuhrer czars
well ok that is a lot of information to take in. I did not see you discuss where this came from. But i appreciate it. I believe it is all connected and will be reveled.
Well here is the update. Sounds almost too good to be true.
ARE YOU READY?!?!?! I said, ARE YOU READY?!?!?! No, SERIOUSLY !!!!!! You may want to listen to some things while reading this. I listened to this, this and this. Here's what you need right now. 15,000 gallons of popcorn, a few hundred 50 gallon drums to collect all the liberal tears, a 100 terabyte hard drive to record all the AWESOME about to come, maybe do some stretching to be ready to do your "We just kicked major ass" dance, and a general sense of eager anticipation. You probably need to get about a 12 hour playlist to be looped in the background. Maybe a few dozen American flags to be planted in your front yard. I already bought my "Gitmo Joe" T-shirt (100% serious), and when I went to link it, Amazon has removed the link entirely. Usually they just say out of stock, but the whole link is gone.

Why am I so excited? Because IT IS HERE, and it is even BETTER than I thought, and I thought it was going to be AWESOME! I have a WHOLE list of songs I am going to link when this happens. Listening to them right now. I can't type fast enough. No teasing, getting straight to the point. Let's start with the one that will give us all relief. Pedo Joe will NOT be sworn in. NEVER! In fact, he cancelled his inauguration rehearsal, then cancelled the rescheduled rehearsal too. Here is what MIGHT happen, and the white hats are trying to prevent it. The Pedo Joe deep state crew MIGHT run a CGI video of him being inaugurated, and then a separate video of him driving up to the White House and being denied entry. It would be done to TRY to turn public opinion and world opinion against Trump. Thank goodness, they see the same problems with this as I do, and are trying to prevent it, but they DID say if the deep state DID manage to somehow get this to air, they would let it play out to the end, and then within twelve hours take over every single media outlet that ran it.

The media is ALREADY going to come down, but this adds criminal charges including treason to the list. So in the UNLIKELY event we see him being sworn in, think of it as watching a new episode of "Stranger Things". It isn't real. We have been told to expect serious action before the 20th, and to expect anything from Sunday onward. The insider sources were reminded again about the generalized anxiety Trump supporters were feeling, and they said they cannot let their operation and time line be influenced by millions wanting reassurances now. They are fully aware and sympathetic. They are out and about among people feeling like many of you. For the record, the only emotion I have felt for the past two months is overwhelming excitement.

Anyone who has met me knows I am telling you the 100% truth. Trump got 75% of the general vote, and flipped Mexifornia. Truly a GIGANTIC landslide. We got MANY more details about what the operations are going to look like. Pretty much everyone is saying there WILL be GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS TAKEN DOWN. Be prepared! TV will have ONE channel. It sounds like phone calls and texts will go down. Power outages can be expected in areas where operations take place. What will be on that one channel? Live court martials and looped confessions. This is why you need the 100 terabyte drive. I might not sleep the entire week just to watch these EVIL bastards be taken down again and again. Expect travel restrictions, especially air travel.

European clean operations will be the last phase. Supposedly, there are 1 million troops organized into small groups with 300,000 leaders having an envelope in hand that is to be opened when the signal is given, and within that envelope is the name of the person their squad is to arrest along with directions. The borders between the US and Canada and the US and Mexico are closed until February 21. Here is why I feel so confident that this is the REAL plan. The people who I trust actually reached out to about a dozen OTHER people they trust who have different contacts, and the message across the board is the SAME with minor variations in details. They say that comms will be down at LEAST a week. This is the single best summation from Simon Parkes. We are ALREADY seeing actions taking place. Merkel is about to resign. Police action took place in Frankfurt.

There were nearly a dozen bomb threats across the country yesterday right after Trump announced he declass'd ObamaGate and RussiaGate, Pompeo tweeted a picture of six bottles of red wine. That means RED6. A 58 year old Rothschild just died. Remember when I said terms of negotiation were taking place? Is that related? The timing is WAY too coincidental. There is another possibility. This is the time to watch for mass suicides. It also the time to be aware of false flags. I know as a Christian I am supposed to feel forgiveness, but the crimes against humanity these people have committed are literally the worst in human history and are, at least for me, unforgiveable. Robert Steele said a third of the generals are reluctant to carry out ops as they are trying to protect cushy post military careers. When they see things go down, and people being placed into two categories, traitor and patriot, they will get on board. By the way, the deep state is also using a quantum supercomputer to analyze outcomes. There is no outcome which turns out well for them. Trump has ALL the ACE cards between the military, being Commander in Chief, the NSA, ALL facts, recorded evidence of their treasonous criminality, the EO's. I mean EVERYTHING.

They are absolutely desperate too. Nazi Pelosi approached a Marine General and told him she didn't think security was "adequate enough" despite 30,000 National Guard sitting in her yard, and actually asked the guy for 5,000 troops for HER to command! Read what she did, but even better is the General's response in which he said "I suggest you listen really hard to the words that are escaping your cracked poisonous lips; they're tantamount to treason. We don't work for you". I have no idea how accurate that is, but she is DEAD. The media is also dead. New video was released showing a CNN reporter as part of the group "storming" the capitol saying with over abundant joy "We did it, we really did it". That is insurrection and treason, and yes, you reserved a spot for yourself in Gitmo. GRATZ! As AWESOME as this is, what they are saying will happen AFTER the deep state is completely destroyed is even MORE awesome.

Trump is going to go down as the greatest ruler in the history of ALL humanity, and YOU get to see it first hand! Do you UNDERSTAND how AMAZING this is?!?!? Anyway, it involves NESARA/GESARA which gets better and better the more they describe it. BUT, Simon Parkes was told they seized, and get this, 34 QUINTRILLION from the Vatican, and it was probably electronically backed against physical assets meaning it is real currency. Do you understand now how they can say ALL debt will be wiped out? By the way, we don't know what currency that is be it US dollars, Euros, whatever, but it is more than enough.

Simon Parkes has ALSO heard about JFK Jr. He was less definitive about it than Charlie Ward but what he said would happen with Jr "if he is alive" was the SAME thing. He said Flynn, now FOUR star American hero and patriot, would be offered the VP position. JFK Jr would spend the next four years travelling across the country helping brain dead hate filled treasonous bitter condescending liberals come to terms with the new reality, and there is no one better than the "resurrected" American royalty. He would then take over after Trump. So much awesome.

I wow. Im so glad this new board was made but holy shit at this. Do people really believe this will happen? Seriously?
Biden looks like he has a touch of Downs Syndrome in that clip. Doesn't look like him from even a year ago. He's progressing fast.

Or, It is just NOT Biden, not at all,

Recall all the Nose, Ears and facial analysis and comparisons, the old previous pedo Joe vs the new current pedo Joe,
There were many distinctions, differences, and obvious changes.

Who really knows what/ who were are viewing here in 2021?
You guys dont think the DC presence is for the inauguration crowds? With Covid etc?
Who gave the orders to send in the personnel? It would make sense for them to be ready for a large crowd to celebrate Joey dum dum.
We all know what a mess they cause. What do you think? Not just for the inauguration party? I want to hear your thoughts on this
So Kayleigh has packed up her office and left for Tampa... Thoughts?

Everyone who is a White Hat and/or tied in with Maga has to get out of DC, for their safety and the safety of their Fams,..... most of them already likely gone by now, in safe locations far away from DC.

only people remaining in DC should be The Swamp, the Left, the evil Congress and our Military.
You guys dont think the DC presence is for the inauguration crowds? With Covid etc?
Who gave the orders to send in the personnel? It would make sense for them to be ready for a large crowd to celebrate Joey dum dum.
We all know what a mess they cause. What do you think? Not just for the inauguration party? I want to hear your thoughts on this
Per the insane DC mayor, she did.

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