Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Biden's viewing stage was dismantled, then his inaugural practice run was cancelled. Trump has halted by EO trading with Chinese military front companies (intel/dem finance). Trump has withdrew funding by rescission from multiple departments. FEMA has turned DC into Gitmo.
Trump has declassified Obamagate with plans to release to public today or Monday. Trump plans to declassify all Ukraine intel and to issue new pardons. Trump is arranging a special counsel for Hunter Biden. Trump has blocked access to the White House for Jared Kushner.
Jack has been exposed by Veritas. CNN has been exposed by one of their own for involvement in Capitol false flag. Antifa were recorded inside the building arranging the attack. An arrest has been made due to voter fraud proving their is sufficient evidence for legal action.
Multiple governments around the world are de-stabalised. Trials for the highest members of MS-13 are underway (used by DS for assasinations and child trafficking) and the largest ever mafia trial in Italy is currently taking place. Multiple blackouts reported in several countries.
Next 48 should be interesting..

Thank you as usual.

@Croot_Lord @Croot_Overlord BAN THE ANTIFA COMMIE!!!!!

Welp, that didn't take long. Just another example of what we are up against.
I was just like your husband. I wasn’t necessarily gun resistant, but I never felt the need for one. Not only do I not really hunt, but I’ve always felt relatively safe in my surroundings. I also always felt that if I had a gun and carried one, I’d end up putting myself in a situation where that gun would end up causing me more problems. Plus I have a very bad temper.

It takes a lot to get me to a point where that temper is exposed, but when it happens, I tend to even scare myself. So I sort of felt like I kept that somewhat in check by not acquiring a gun, and I was willing to face whatever happened without a gun for mine and everyone else’s safety.

Don’t get me wrong I’m 100% in favor of our 2nd amendment rights. In fact I want responsible people carrying guns because I feel thats what keeps the evil bad hombres from attacking people like myself at random. I want guns in the hands of responsible gun owners and I believe that’s a right we should fight for until the very end and never backdown on it at any point.

Having said that, in light of what has transpired over the last 4 to 8 years, maybe longer, my feelings have completely changed. It may be the fact that I now have two daughters that I’m responsible for taking care of. Either way I’ve realized there’s a lot more evil in this world then I could have ever imagined, and at this point my temper, which I still believe is a danger, but nothing compared to the evil that lurks in the shadows of this corrupt and evil world we live in today.

That evil and corruption is why I’ve spent close to 5K in the last 6 months or so acquiring an arsenal for myself. I’ve also started trying to get more comfortable and experienced with the items I’ve purchased. Like I’ve told my wife, it does neither of us any good to simply have a gun if we aren’t prepared to use it especially in a stressful situation.

Just because you know how to shoot a gun, doesn’t mean you’re prepared to use it the situation presents itself. You have to be ready and completely comfortable with the gun in every aspect. When that situation does arise, you aren’t going to be able to stop and think about what you are doing. It has to be second nature without thinking about it.

I’m not quite there yet, but I realize that, but I will continue to do what I can to get to that point. Hopefully I’ll never have to use it in a situation that requires it, but I will do my best between now and when that time comes to be ready.

please dont get a gun
where did you get the Kushner info?
Last 48..
Biden's viewing stage was dismantled, then his inaugural practice run was cancelled. Trump has halted by EO trading with Chinese military front companies (intel/dem finance). Trump has withdrew funding by rescission from multiple departments. FEMA has turned DC into Gitmo.
Trump has declassified Obamagate with plans to release to public today or Monday. Trump plans to declassify all Ukraine intel and to issue new pardons. Trump is arranging a special counsel for Hunter Biden. Trump has blocked access to the White House for Jared Kushner.
Jack has been exposed by Veritas. CNN has been exposed by one of their own for involvement in Capitol false flag. Antifa were recorded inside the building arranging the attack. An arrest has been made due to voter fraud proving their is sufficient evidence for legal action.
Multiple governments around the world are de-stabalised. Trials for the highest members of MS-13 are underway (used by DS for assasinations and child trafficking) and the largest ever mafia trial in Italy is currently taking place. Multiple blackouts reported in several countries.
Next 48 should be interesting
On Thursday, the Vaccination Credential Initiative announced that it is developing technology to confirm vaccinations in case governments mandate that people provide proof that they have received a vaccination in order to travel.

The coalition hopes that the tech will allow people to “demonstrate their health status to safely return to travel, work, school and life while protecting their data privacy.” The group is using work from the Commons Project’s international digital document that verifies a person has tested negative for COVID-19.

Currently, the Commons Project’s system, which was created in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, is being utilized by three major airline alliances.
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It was posted on tik tok 6 hours ago.
By the original video taker? Or was it posted by a user on tik tok of another person that took a video that we have no idea when it was taken? And that still leaves WHERE was it taken? That could be Long Beach, CA in which there is a Navy auxiliary base right there for purposes and Naval vessels being there would be normal. My point is too many of these videos are being posted by people that are simply looking for attention and they have no idea what they are talking about.
nah too much clutter. That fucker can come with substance or gtfo
Devil's Advocate here, he did come with substance. It just flies in the face of what we all believe, but it is no different then us posting a Screenshot of CUE. If he isn't being an asshole intentionally being rude and trolling, it's whatever to me. If he starts being a typical moron, then give him the boot.
By the original video taker? Or was it posted by a user on tik tok of another person that took a video that we have no idea when it was taken? And that still leaves WHERE was it taken? That could be Long Beach, CA in which there is a Navy auxiliary base right there for purposes and Naval vessels being there would be normal. My point is too many of these videos are being posted by people that are simply looking for attention and they have no idea what they are talking about.
The dude in the video sounds the exact same as the guy in the other video on the account, so I’d assume this one is legit.

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